

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C

11.was set up 12.made a profit 13.meet the needs 14.promote 15.consider 16.importance 17.structure

18.middle,and ending 19.introduction of yourself 20.listiner’s attention 21.C 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.B

31.reasonable 32.make

33.most expensive 34.investment 35.will be held 36.D 37.B 38.B 39.A 40.B 41.A 42.D

43.B 44.D 45.C

46.the communities 47.work hard 48.selling 49.free


51.(F)现有债务(J)预付款 52.(L)信用证 (Q)合资企业 53.(D)竞争优势(I)有效需求 54.(M)付款银行(O)成本加运费 55.(G)直销成本(N)资本市场 56.private student 57.education-related 58.leaving school 59.getting approved 60.the progress 61.C 62.C 63.A 64.B


作文Dear Mr.Smith,

Mr Smith Hello, I have received your letter,and you said I need to borrow a common room apartments sell old things, sorry, can not agree, because the apartment provides a common room for activities not sell items, we recommend that you use the open-air parking field, but needs to tell me one week in advance, and plan to inform the other tenants.

Yours, Jeffrey

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