小学英语湘少版四年级下册《Unit 9 How much is it》优质课公开课教案教师资格证面试试讲教案

小学英语湘少版四年级下册《Unit 9 How much is it?》优质课公开



1. 通过学习句型:“How much is it? How much are they?”及答语,使学生掌握有关购物时询问价格的功能句,并能够在正确的语境下使用。

2. 掌握四会单词knife,crayon,brush,notebook,ball,toy car, schoolbag 能听懂会说how much。 3.能用“Can I help you”询问顾客需要;并能用how much is it?或者It is .......yuan.谈论物品价格。


2学情分析 3重点难点

教学重点:掌握“How much is it? 的重点句型,使学生掌握有关购物时询问价格的功能句,并能够在正确的语境下使用。




活动1【导入】问题导入 师生问候

T: Goood morning boys and girls . S : Good morning Miss Tu. T: Sit down please. Today we will start 活动2【讲授】教师新授

2. 课件出示English numbers .

Please count from 1 to 9 in chorus .学生齐数从一到九。

老师点名读剩下的数字。Please read the numbers one after the other . start with group 1

3. Say the numbers in English : 21 38 43 5

6 65 77 89 94 . Who can try ? please put up your hands . Step 2. Presentation 1.学习句型:How much is it?

①教师利用CAI课件向学生展示一幅大叠人民币的图片,令学生耳目一新,并一下子吸引了他们的注意力。教师告诉学生:They’re money. We have so much money!”接着,教师轻击鼠标,画面上呈现出一张1元的人民币,教师轻声地问学生:“How much is it?”教师引导说:“It’s 1 yuan.” 教师再轻击鼠标,图片接着显示2元,5元,10元,20元,50元,100元钱币图片。学生会很自然的回答“It’

s 2/5yuan.”这个句型。然后用鼠标点出本单元的句型 How much is it ? Could you guess the meaning of this sentence? 2. 学习本课新词汇

①师用课件依次出示标有价格的笔记本、 球、 玩具车的图片,问: What is this ? It is a notebook/ ball/ toy car .等学生回答完就点击鼠标,在相应的图片下面出示相应的单词。师稍微讲解这3个单词的发音。然后再问How much is it ? 生根据标价作答,并出示问句与答句。


Please take out your English notebook ,then copy these words two times. Step 3 Practice

Do you like shopping .now Let us Look how to go shopping. 用多媒体展示本单元A部分情景图。Please

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