英语口语:每日谜语第60期 英语谜语 (二十一)
Why should you never tell secrets in a cornfield? 202
Why do white sheep eat more than black ones? 203
Why is a ship one of the most polite things-on earth? 204
Why is it vulgar to sing and play by yourself? 205
Why can't it rain for two days continually? 206
Why is your nose in the middle of your face? 207
Why should fish be well educated? 208
Why is your sense of touch impaired when you are ill? 209
If you add a syllable to a certain word it becomes shorter. What is the word? 210
If your uncle's sister is not your aunt, just what relation is she to you?
201. Because corn has ears.
202. Because there are more of them in the world.
203. Because it always advances with a bow
204. Because such a performance is so low (solo).
205. Because there is always a night in between.
206. Because it is a scenter (center),
207. Because they are so often found in schools.
208. Because you don't feel well.
209. short
210. She is your mother.
原文来自 必克英语http://bbs.spiiker.com/topic-4981.html