
2018-2019年唐山市丰润区银城铺镇国持营小学三年级上册英语模拟期末测试无答案 一、我会选一选(选择题)

1. The ______ is delicious (美味的). A. cat B. tiger C. bread

2. 你想告诉大家你有一个好看的洋娃娃,应这样说_______ A.I have a nice doll. B.I have a nice ball.

3. 当你想问别人她是谁时,你可以说:__________ A.Who's she? B.Who are you? C.Who is he? 4. I see six dogs. ___ .

班级_______________ 座号______ 姓名_______________ 分数_______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ A. B.

5. 当你向别人介绍自己时,可以说:________ A. Hello, I'm Tina. B. Hello, Tina. 6. 单项选择,根据所给单词,选出与其同类的单词。 (1)brown( ) A.black B.bread (2)crayon( ) A.orange B.eraser (3)mouth( ) A.nose B.milk (4)elephant( ) A.panda B.zoo (5)juice( ) A.water B.fish

7. 当你下午碰到迈克时,你应该说:_________ A.Good night, Mike! B.Good afternoon, Mike! C.Good evening, Mike!

8. - Have an ice cream. - _________

A. Bye-bye. B. Thank you! C. Good morning! 9. It is ____ hot dog.

A. / B. an C. a 10.放学回家时,你会对老师和同学说:_____. A.Hello. B.Goodbye. C.Good afternoon.

11.当有人在公共场所吸烟,你可以说:_________ A.No smoking.

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B.No food. C.No cameras.

12.Zip想问Zoom的耳朵在哪里,应说:( ) A.What's your ear? B.Where is your ear? 13.看图选句子,把正确的答案写在前面的括号里。 (1)

( )

A.She can swim. B.She can dance. (2)

A.She is using chopsticks.

B.She is using a knife and fork.

( )


( )

A.I can’t jump far. B.I can’t run fast. (4)

( )

A.She is eating rice. B.She is eating noodles. 14. the door.

A. Open B. Three C. Chairs 15.--_________ up, Nancy. --OK.

A. Go B. Get 二、想一想,填一填(填空题)

C. Go to

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1、what is the mom doing? 2、What does Alice doing? 3、what are you doing?


1、___________________________? -He's my brother. 2、__________________________ ? -No, he's my friend.

3、How are you, Grandmother? -______________________________. 4、Happy Birthday to you, Kitty. ______________________________. 5、____________________ the teacher. -OK. 18.写以下列短语或短语。

1. 多少______ 2. 多大(年龄)______ 3. 我的哥哥______ 4. 年岁_______ 5. 你的名字______ 19.根据所给提示,补全对话。 1.—__________________ —Good afternoon.

2. —__________________. Nice to meet you ,too.

3. —__________________. —Fine, thank you. 4.—Colour it blue!

—__________________. 5.—Good morning ,Miss Li. —__________________.

20.Fill根据前后意思填空(每格一词) 1. __________ your name card. It's beautiful. 2. __________are you? -Very well, thanks. 3. __________your name on the paper.

4. Your pencil is on the floor. _________it up. 5. It's so cold. Please___________ the window. 6. I’m so cold. I want to__________ on the grass. 21.补全课文。 M:Come on!

M:____________________ M:Hi, Lulu. I’m Mocky. M:_____________________ A: Run, Mocky! It’s a tiger. M:____________________ A.Oh, on! It’s not Lulu!

B. Look! That is Lulu Leopard! C. Help! It’s a tiger!

22.选择括号中适当的词填空。 1.Let's ________ (see/look)a doctor. 2.I have two __________ (foot/feet).

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