
滚 动练习一

Unit 3 Travel Journal

第一节 单词拼写

1. As far as I know, many things havebeen to Southeast Asian countries from all over the world.(transport)

2. To my greatest joy, I her to change her mind at the last moment.(persuade)

3. What is your (态度) to this plan? 4. She (坚持) on going to the park.

5. To tell you the truth, I’m (决定) to leave my present work and set up a company of my own.

6. She tried ________________ him to give up smoking, but he wouldn’t listen.(persuade)

7. She won't do what I ask -- she's very _____________(顽固). 8. I am _______________________ to do better in English this term.(determine) 第二节 翻译

1.我喜欢步行更甚于骑自行车。 2.他宁可呆在家里也不愿意去逛商店。 3.我劝她放弃了那个愚蠢的想法。 4.你熟悉这台电脑软件吗?( familiar) 滚动练习二 第一节 单词拼写

1. At the party the foreign teacher was r______________ to sing some songs.

2. He is a s_______________ person. Once he has made up his mind, he will not change.

3. The goods will be t________________ to Hong Kong by ship. 4. I advised him not to join them. F______________, he accepted my advice.

5. What’s your a_________________ to wearing jewelry to school. 6. At last we were persuaded to _________________ (骑自行车)around China.

7. Writing travel j______________ makes you think more and enjoy more.

第二节 完成句子

1. I have_______________________(梦想)visiting the Great Wall of China.

2. Mr Zhang has a strange way to (让)his students (使……对……感兴趣)his classes.

3. As far as I know, he doesn’t (计较)his food and clothes very much.

4. Short of money and supplies, we had to (让步). 5. (一旦) you begin the work, you must carry on with it until to the end.


第三节 翻译

1. 我劝父亲戒烟,但他不听。(persuade) 2. 一旦你看见它,就很难忘记。( once ) 3. 她坚持我们要改变计划。(insist)

4. 他梦想有一天能环游世界。( dream of/about)

5. 他宁可呆在家里也不愿意去逛商店。(prefer to----- rather than) 滚动练习三

第一节 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空

ever since make up one’s mind dream of insist on get interested in be fond of give in care about prefer to change one’s mind 1.My little son ___________________ playing practical jokes on me. 2.You’re wasting your breath. I won’t_________________ .

3.No matter how they slander us, we will never____________________. 4.He’s too self-absorbed(自私的) to __________________ us. 5. __________________then, he comes out only at night.

6.He has _____________________ to overcome his shortcomings. 7.Most students _________________ maths.

8.He is _________________climbing the highest mountain.

9.Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always ________________ride a bicycle.


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