专八改错1-5篇 (答案+解析+词汇)

Passage 1

Arabic language is one of the world’s most widely used

languages. It is the officer language of many Arab nations in the (1) Middle East and northern Africa. There are two types of Arabic,

spoken and written. Spoken Arabic comprises of dialects in (2)_______ different areas of the Arabic-speaking world. These dialects can be

rough divided into Gulf, Iraqi, Levantine, Maghrebi, North (3)_______ Egyptian, Saudi, South Egyptian and Sudanese, and Tunisian.

These dialect areas can be subdivided father. Written Arabic (4)_______ serves as the standard written language of all Arabic nations. It is the

descendant of the language of the Quran, the scared book of the (5)_______ Islamic religion. Arabs use a spoken form of written Arabic for radio and TV news broadcasts, and in plays and motion pictures. This form also serve as a common spoken language for Arabs

who speaks different dialects. Arabic belongs to the Semitic (6)_______ language groups, and is thus related to Hebrew and Ethiopic. The Arabic alphabet has 28 symbols. The alphabet is written from right to left or from the top of the page to the bottom. The alphabet appears in the ALPHABET article.

No one knows when Arabic originally developed, and people (7)________ of the Arabian Peninsula were the first use it. During the A.D. (8)________ 600s, Islam spread throughout southwestern Asia and northern Africa, and the Arabic language was introduced in these areas.

Since the mid-1900s, many Arab countries have played (9)_________

increasingly important role in world affairs. In a result, Arabic has (10)________ become a major language in international business and politics.


1. office official 词汇错误。Officer意为“长官,官员”用于此处,句意不通。“官方语言”应用official language来表示,故将officer 改为official.

2. of of 或comprises consists 词汇错误。comprise 为及物动词,表示“由…… 组成”,后面不需要跟介词of,故将of删掉。此外,consist of 也表示“由…… 组成”,因此本题可将comprises of 给为consists.

3. rough roughly 词汇错误。形容词rough 不能修改动词divided, 故此处需将形容词rough改为副词roughly,表示“粗略地,大致地”。

4. father further 词汇错误。father意为“更远的”通常用以表示具体地理空间的距离,用于此处,明显不妥。只有further可用以表示抽象意义的“更加”或“进一步”的意思,故此处需要用further。

5. scared sacred 词汇错误。逗号后面的the……book是作Quran(古兰经)的同位语,对其进行补充说明。过去分词scared作形容词表示“害怕的”,而形容词sacred意为“神圣的”,古兰经是伊斯兰宗教种的圣书,故用sacred符合语义。

6. speaks speak 语法错误。分析句子结构,who引导的定语从句修饰Arabs,根据主谓一致的原则,此动词应该配合复数名词Arabs而改为复数形式speak。 7. and but语篇错误。根据句意“没人知道阿拉伯语最初发展于何时”以及“阿拉伯半岛的人最先使用它”,可看出两个分句之间并非是并列关系,而是转折关系,故将and改为but.

8. first^ to 语法错误。在people…use it 中谓语动词为were,故use不能用动词原形,只能用动词的非谓语形式。此处在use前加to,用不定式做后置定语修饰the first,表示“最先使用阿拉伯语的人”,符合上下文语义。

9. played^ an词汇错误。play a role in…是固定搭配,意为“在……方面起作用”。此处的played后面缺少不定冠词,且由于increasingly是以元音开头的词,故需


10. In As词汇错误。As a result为固定搭配,意为“作为结果,因此”,故将In改为As。此外意为“因此,阿拉伯语已经成为目前国际经济和政治中使用的一门主要语言。”

Arabic a.阿拉伯人的 comprise vt.构成,组成

official a.官方的 dialect n.方言 Saudi a.特阿拉伯的 Sudanese a.苏丹的 subdivide vt.细分

roughly ad.粗略地,大致地 Egyptian a.埃及的

Tunisian a.突尼斯的

descendant n.后裔,后代 alphabet n.字母表

sacred a.圣神的 peninsula n.半岛

Passage 2

More than 2000 years ago, the philosopher Socrates

wandered around Athens asking questions, an approach to find (1)______ truth that thinkers venerated ever since. In modern times, the (2)______ Socratic method was adapted for use in universities and became the dominant form of instruction for students learning philosophy

and the law. The most recently national survey on the subject (3)_______ found that 97% of law-school professors use the Socratic method

in first-year classes. Socratic dialogues seem to work for the (4)_______ ancient Greeks. Are they efficient for people today? Recently, a (5)_______ group of researchers decided to find out.

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