高考英语 单项选择精英定时训练题(2)



1. Don' t sit reading ______ the sun, or you' 11 get burnt. A. in B. under C. with D. on 2. The boy ________ us in the hotel last night is very polite.

A. waiting for B. waiting on C. taking on D. caring for 3. The man __ the shop is Li Lei’s brother.

A. in charge of B. in the charge of C. take charge of D. take the charge of

4. The war between the two countries is far from__________

A. finishing B. end C. over D. completion 5. Do you have anything similar _____ this material but different_____ color? A. to; in B. to; from C. to; to D. in; from 6.:He just it for granted that he would pass the exam. A. looked B. carried C. turned D. took

7. We offered to pay our half of the cost but Charles would ________ none of it. A. lose B. take C. survive D. have 8.-This is Jane speaking.

-Oh, it' s you. Your voice sounds quite different ____ the phone. A. for B. from C. by D. on 9. He spends a lot of time ____ the TV set.

A. in watching B. on C. in front of D. on watching 10. __ to the secret papers is restricted to senior management.

A. Means B. Acceptance C. Access D. Advice


71. Such a small man can’t _____ reach the balloon one metre higher than he. A. possibly C. possible

B. impossible

D. impossibly

72. At the beginning, I had some difficulty with my English, and my teacher pulled me ______. A. down

B. over

C. up

D. through

73. The general asked his men to push _____ so they might overtake the retreating(败退的) enemy troop. A. out

B. over

C. on

D. off

74. All the nations should put _____ the misunderstanding between each other. If each nation does so, this world will become a peaceful and lovely garden. A. away

B. on

C. off

D. up

75. He had never spent a day.

A. more worry B. most worrying C. more worrying D. worried

76. What she said is ________ true. That is to say, not all she said is true. A. some

B. partly

C. not

D. almost


77. --- What is the weather like these days? --- It has been warm for ______ few days. A. past

B. passing

C. the past

D. pass

78. Eric’s father, a skilled worker has repaired a lot of bikes of this kind, so he will _______ succeed in repairing your bike, I suppose. A. probably

B. may be

C. maybe

D. perhaps

79. There are only five minutes left before the train leaves. You should run _______ . A. fast as possible as you can C. as fast as possible

B. as quickly as you can D. possible as fast as you can

80. This novel is ______ a good book, but there are many that ______ better. A. very, are are

B. rather, is

C. quite, is

D. quite,

81. This gentleman is very interested in singing. He often goes to the Karaoke hall with his friends and sometimes comes home very late, _____, very early in the morning. A. rather than would rather

82. This isn’t a practice game; we are playing for real. The underlined part means _____. A. seriously thoroughly

83. Our cousin who is attending college in New York phones us every Sunday at six, _________ as clockwork. A. regular irregularly

84. They’d like to see her daughter ____________, get married and have kids. A. settle on settle down

85. David arrived back from Paris __________ than I expected. A. soon B. fast C. sooner D. quickly 86. Joe and my father are getting __________.

A. along splendid B. along splendidly C. over splendid D. out splendidly 87. Terry was so tired that he couldn’t walk ________. A. straight B. straightly C. steady D. direct

88. My old school friend comes to see me now and then. The underlined part means ____. A. seldom

B. sometimes

C. once a year D. never

B. settle up

C. settle for


B. irregular

C. regularly


B. for money

C. for fun


B. rather late

C. or rather


89. The task is hard, ____, the workers managed to finish it in time. A. therefore

B. otherwise

C. however D. yet

90. ____ the work was very difficult, they managed to finish it in time. A. Because 参考答案 71—75ADCAC

B. Though C. Therefore

D. But

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