高中英语 定语从句 关系副词 介词+关系代词 关系代词whose练习

定语从句 关系副词 / 介词+关系代词 / 关系代词whose 练习

一. 填上适当的 关系副词when/where/why,并把它写用两个简单句,注意介词的选择。 1.It is a place _where_ an astronaut works and lives 句1:It is a place .

句2:An astronaut works and lives in the place. 2.It was the day _______ I was sent into the sky

句1: 句2:

3.Can you tell me the reason______________ you are taking pictures? 句1: 句2: 4.Do you remember the day______ we left you in charge? 句1: 句2: 5.I often think of the moment_________ I saw the UFO. 句1: 句2: 6.The police searched the house______the thief had stayed. 句1: 句2: 7.Is Shanghai the city ______he was born?

句1: 句2: 8.I don’t know the reason _________the house is so dirty. 句1: 句2:

9.The study is the place _________I often have talks with my father. 句1: 句2:

二.填上适当的关系代词 which/whom,然后介词还原至原来位置,并找出先行词写在横线上,再写成两个简单句,如。

例: ①This is the question about _which_ we've had so much discussion. 还原:This is the question which we’ve had so much discussion about. 先行词: the question 句1:This is the question.

句2:we’ve had so much discussion about the question. ②He is the man about _________I told you yesterday. 还原: 先行词:

句1: 句2: ③The woman to _________I spoke is a teacher.

还原: 先行词:

句1: 句2: ④Is this the house in _________ he was born?

还原: 先行词:

句1: 句2: ⑤The person to _________ you should write is Mr. Ball. 还原: 先行词:

句1: 句2:

⑥The games in _________ he took part were swimming and shooting. 还原: 先行词:

句1: 句2:

三.填上适当的 介词。

1.Have you met the person _______whom he was speaking? 2.He is the man _______whom you should give your thanks.

3.The farm _______which we worked ten years ago isn’t what it used to be. 4.This is the tree _______which we used to play games.

5.His pen _____which he is writing now was bought yesterday. 6.The gas _______which we can not live is called oxygen. 7. The pencil ________ which he wrote was broken.

8. He built a telescope ________ which he could study the skies. 9. The woman, ________ whom I learned the news, is a nurse. 10. The wolf ________ which the sheep was killed was shot. 11. She has three children, all _______ whom are at school.

12. There is a tall tree outside, ________ which stands our teacher.

13. My glasses, _______ which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke. 14. In the dark street, there wasn’t a person ________ whom she could turn for help. 15. I was surprised at the way ________ which he treated the old man. 16. The age _______ which children can go to school is seven.

17. His bike ________ which he went to work was stolen last night.

18. Do you know the building ________ which is flying a red flag? 19. Ours is a beautiful school, ________ which we are proud. 20. The desk ________ which Jack is leaning is John’s.

21. He bought a book yesterday, the author ________ which is a teacher.

四.填上适当的 介词+which/whom。

①. The book _____________ I heard was written twenty years ago. ②. The people ____________ the man spoke weren’t listening. ③. The film ____________ I fell asleep was very boring.

④. The pen __________ she wrote that book can now be seen in a museum. ⑤. The little creature ________ scientists are interested is known as ET. ⑥ The gun __________ he was shot was never found.

五.用关系词 which/that, why, where, when 或者 介词+ which /whom.填空。 ①. Hangzhou is the place ______________ I went last summer. ②. He read the book __________ his sister had told him about.

③. The reason _____________ Peter is so happy is that he passed the exam.

④. I remember the day ________ my father died. I was only ten years old at that time. ⑤. Please give me the reason ____________ you were late this time.

⑥. I will go back to the place _________________ I grew up and live there forever.



= the+ 名词+ of which/ whom = of which/whom the+ 名词

把两个句子写成用含有关系代词 whose 引导的定语从句,并再写出另外两种形式. 例: Do you know anyone? / His family is in Xi’an. =Do you know anyone whose family is in Xi’an?

=Do you know anyone of whom the family is in Xi’an? =Do you know anyone the family of whom is in Xi’an?

1.The girl is my daughter. / Her work got the first prize. = = = 2.

= = =

3.I live in the room. / The window of it is broken. = = =

4.The chair has been repaired. / The leg of it was broken. = = =


1.That is the house whose roof was blown off by the strong wind. = =

2. Do you know who is living in the house whose windows face south? = =

3. There are many people whose only on-line activity is sending and receiving e-mails. = =

4. The year before last, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from whose effects the people are still suffering

= = 5.Are you the man whose bicycle was stolen? = = 6.Just like a voyage at sea, our life journey, whose days are limited , is full of difficulties. = =

7. His parents would not let him marry anyone whose family was poor = =


There is nothing that I can do.

I have read all the books that you gave me This is the best novel thatI have ever read. This is the very book that I want to find.

They talked about the things and friends that they could remember. What did you hear that made you so angry? He is no longer the man that he used to be.

There is a seat in the corner that is still free. Now you can see the two that are still alive.


一. 2.when 句1. It was the day. 句2. I was sent into the sky on the day.

3.why 句1. Can you tell me the person? 句2. You are taking pictures for the reason. 4.when 句1. Do you remember the day. 句2. We left in charge on the day. 5.when 句1. I often think of the moment. 句2. I saw the UFO at that moment

6.where 句1. The police searched the house. 句2. The thief had stayed in the house 7.where 句1. Is Shanghai the city? 句2. He was born in the city.

8.why 句1. I don’t know the reason. 句2. The house is so dirty for the reason.

9.where 句1. The study is the place. 句2. I often have talks with my father in the place 二.2. whom 3. whom 4. which 5.whom 6.which (其它略)

三.1.to 2.to 3. on 4. under 5.with 6.without 7.with 8.through 9.from 10.by 11.of 12.under 13.without 14.to 15.in 16.at 17.on/by 18.on 19.of 20.against 21.of

四.1.of/about which 2.to whom 3.during which 4.with which 5.in which 6.with which 五.1.where/to which 2.that/which 3.why/for which 4.when/on which 5.why/for which 6.where/in which


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