5月22日 托福口语独立题小范围预测

5月22日 托福口语独立题小范围预测


1.Which one you will learn: play a piano, swim, and repair a car. 思路:不管选哪个,除了说客观有点多说一些个人原因,比如选游泳,可以说很羡慕朋友们一起去附近公园的湖里游泳,希望可以加入他们,如果有孩子在自己身 边有人 start to drown, 还可以救别人。 第二点说下客观有点就是beneficial for health, 细节可以说good for shaping up and burning

calories because I have to keep doing crawl and treading water, it’s Cardio activity that promotes heart and lung health and Improves stamina, flexibility, strength and balance.

2.When you and your friend have disagreement, what would you do to solve the disagreement?

思路:可以描述一段曾经和朋友解决矛盾的例子来反应自己的原则,比如 I would compromise on the disagreement because I friendship comes first for me. 后面的经历可以自己编一下。

3.Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby him to help him spend his weekend

in a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation

思 路:可以说下同学们之前说过的一些运动相关的话题,比如hiking, or playing basketball之类的,可以从两方面说,第一个就是physical movement, 通过stretch his body, keep walking, sweat a little, 让他感到很


4.Your university will sponsor one of the following activities for students, an outdoor camping night, a music festival for students to experience the local culture or a computer game competition in the dormitory. Which one do you think it's the best to establish new

friendship and solidarity among students and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

思路: 可以说下自己之前参加过哪个活动然后描述下哪些环节可以促进学生交流,比如:如果想说露营,就说下在set up the tent, cook, campfire talk 之类的场景。

5.Describe what your life would be like if you were not allowed to use the cellphone for a month. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

思路:说下正面的比如可以花更多时间在之前想做的事情上,比如运动,读书之类的。 还有没了手机,反而跟周围朋友有更多交流了,比如饭桌上不会老刷facebook了,总是低头玩手机我们可以说:fiddle with cellphone incessantly

6.Talk about your favorite book when you were a child and explain why you liked it. Please include specific reasons and details.

思路:挑一个自己之前看过的书,最好励志的那种,说下书名,然后简单描述下故事情节,比如一个孤儿寻找父母或一个残疾人通过努力学习绘画写作之类的,最后说下对自己的影响,就是自己感到frustrated时候,想起这本书,就会try harder之类的。

7.Describe a special gift you given to a friend and explain why it is important. Please include reasons and details to support your response. 思路:这个礼物最好是自己做的,通过努力弄来的,来突出特殊和重要,比如,朋友最喜欢的作家的签名书籍,排了好几个小时的队弄到的,朋友很感动。


1.Agree or disagree: We learn more from failures than success. 思路:不要去论述,多用一些例子,好说也比较容易出细节,比如同意,理由是we know our weakness better from the failures, 例子的话可以说自己领导的篮球队在本市一直冠军,很自满,知道参加全国比赛输的很惨,发现了很多问题,比如体能不足,训练不够,战术配合不好,才针对这些 训练最后夺得冠军。

2.Some people spend their vacation time visiting just one place, others prefer to spend their vacation visiting several different places and spending a shorter amount of time in each. Which do you prefer and why? 思 路:选择呆在一个地方,第一个理由可以说need more time to experience one place better, 包括 try various snacks and traditional food, stroll

on the street to learn more about the local culture,and this need more time complete. 第二点可以吐槽下另一个,比如waste time and energy on traveling.

3.Finding a place to live near campus. Option 1: a house to share with several other students.

Option 2: an apartment without sharing, which do you prefer?


4.Do you agree or disagree with the following Children should start school before the age or 5 or 6? Explain why. Please include details examples in your explanation.


5.Some people prefer to spend their vacation in the countryside while others prefer large cities. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.


6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement gifts made by people themselves are more meaningful than the gifts bought from store? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation. 思路:同意,因为可以反映出affection,然后举一个例子,这里可以引用task1中4的那个例子。

7.When it comes to decision making, do you prefer to take account to of other people’s ideas or make the decision entirely on your own? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation. 思路:考虑他人的意见,因为可以think it through, 举个例子,比如自己选专业的时候,喜欢玩电脑,就想选CS,结果家人跟我分析了我的性格外向,social skill强,但是数学太差,最后听他们的选了marketing,然后这个决定很正确。

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