人教版英语七年级下册 Unit 1 Section A(2a-2d) 练习

第二课时 Section A(2a-2d)

一、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 l.Gina is in the (swim) club. 2.The (story) in the book are boring,so I don't like them. 3.Dale comes from London and he (speak) English. 4.John wants me (play) soccer with him after class. 5.--Can I join the story (tell) club? --Yes,you can. 二、单项选择。

( )6. --Can Alice Chinese? --Yes, she can.

A.say B.speak C.tell

( )7.My brother can play soccer, he can't play it very well. A.and B. so C. but ( )8.-- do you want to join? --I like English very much.So I want to join the English club. A.What subject B.What club C.What color ( )9. --What can your brother do? --He can sing. He is good at .

A. sing B. sings C. singing ( )10. --What is the about?

--It's about a happy family.

A. month B.card C. story ( )11.Tom can draw .His pictures are very A.good : well B.well ; good C.good ;good ( )12.--Let's join the chess club! -- .

A.Thank you B. You are welcome C.Sounds good 三、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。 A :Jenny, let's join a club.

B.13. What club do you war.t to join? A.14. B:Can you play chess? A:15. B:16.

A:No.But I like drawing very much.

B:Oh,I want to join the music club.17. A:OK.Let's join now!

A.Can you draw well? B.I can sing and dance. C.Sounds good. D.Yes,I can.And I also want to join the art club. E.I want to join the chess club.


一、1.swimming 2.stories 3.speaks 4.to play 5.telling 二、6~10.BCBCC 11~12.BC 三、13~17.CEDAB

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