
Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)

26. “Damin finally pulled the fish into his boat.” Which of the following is correct for the

underlined word in the sentence?





27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A) The soldiers opened the secret door. C) Pet dogs often create a lot of mess. A) / A little A) I

A) three hundred A) happy A) heavy A) can A) What A) visit A) if A) so that A) will go A) prepare

B) a B) a little B) mine B) three hundreds B) happily B) much heavier B) can’t B) What an B) to visit B) so B) in order to B) went B) will prepare

B) Never jump into conclusions! D) Ken told us a recent case. C) an C) a few C) me

D) the D) few D) myself

28. We should give ________ blind a hand when they cross the busy crossing road. 29. I need ________ apples and bananas to make fruit salad. Could you buy some for me? 30. Arthur’s memory starts to go wrong because of his age. So does _________.

31. Mary has drawn _______ comic strips and she is going to have them published next year.

C) three hundred of D) three hundreds of C) angry C) so heavy as C) must C) How C) visiting C) though C) as soon as C) has gone

D) angrily D) the heaviest D) mustn’t D) How an D) visited D) when D) now that D) has been

32. The service seemed worse than they expected. They left the shop ________. 33. The blue suitcase looks much bigger, but it isn’t _______ that yellow one.

34. I’m afraid the work ________ be finished this week if there isn’t much of their help. 35. ________ exciting news it is! Our government is doing something to stop the haze (雾). 36. In my opinion, Hollywood is really a wonderful place ________.

37. The couple recognized me immediately ________ they hadn’t seen me for 10 years. 38. He plans to have a good rest ________ he’ll have enough energy to continue his work. 39. David knows much about the city because he _________ there three times. 40. The students ________ a topic on how to protect our earth when I entered.

C) were preparing D) are preparing

41. You can ask your teacher for help if you can’t finish ________ the report by yourself.

A) write A) will hold

B) writing B) has held

C) to write C) is held

D) wrote D) will be held

42. Our next school sports meeting ________ in two months’ time. 43. I could hardly understand ________ in class, so I raised my hand to ask.

A) what my teacher said C) what has my teacher said

B: ________ A) The same to you. C) I am glad you like it.

B) Me, too. D) I don’t think so. B) what did my teacher say D) what my teacher has said

44. A: Thank you very much for your beautiful Christmas card, Jenny.

45. A: Would you book us two tickets for the film “No Man’s Land(无人区)” ?

B: ________ I’m busy at the moment. Can I do it later? A) Not at all. C) Good advice.

B) Sorry!

D) I agree with you.

Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be

used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次):(共8分)

A. hides B. in fact C. true D. or E. record Nobody likes a computer virus, but at least you can get rid of it. And there is a lot of anti-virus (抗病毒) software these days. It can find a virus, fix it and you can forget about it. Unluckily the same isn’t 46 for spyware.

What is spyware? It is software that 47 somewhere on your computer. It collects information about what you do on the Internet and passes the information to companies without your permission (允许). If you shop on the Internet and use your credit card, you should know that some spyware will 48 the information.

Your computer can catch spyware through lots of ways. If you open the wrong email, 49 you visit the wrong website, spyware can download itself onto your computer. And spyware often comes with free software.

A. quietly B. are connected to C. allows D. problems E. slower Most spyware just collects information about your surfing habits for advertising reasons. But some spyware can be more powerful and will often make your computer 50 . “Adware” is a type of spyware which is advertising software. It makes advertisements appear now and then while you 51 the Internet. Not dangerous… but very annoying (令人心烦的).

If this is the first time you’ve heard of spyware, you’ve probably got some on your PC. Surveys have found that 90% of computers have several pieces of spyware on them. And spyware will stay

on your computer for a long time, 52 collecting information and sending it back to its owners.

There is some anti-spyware software that will remove most of your 53 . However, some anti-spyware software is spyware itself, so be careful!

Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的

适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共8分)

54. Look at the pet-cat’s two dirty _________. Please keep the cat off the bed. (foot) 55. Help yourself to the history books on the _________ shelves by the window! (wood) 56. The story has many actions to keep the readers _________ in reading it. (interest) 57. The factory is considering ways to _________ more healthy food for the public. (product) 58. It’s natural for most people to become more _________ when they get old. (forget) 59. The environment in this city has been ___________ polluted in the past five years. (serious) 60. Martin was chosen to be Julia’s _________ in the school dancing competition. (part) 61. Yanling’s _________ performance has already attracted the director’s attention. (succeed) V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填

一词): (共14分)

62. All of us know something about the traditional skill of cormorant fishing. (改为否定句)

_________ of us know _________ about the traditional skill of cormorant fishing. _________ _________ will Millie and Ken finish their crime report?

64. Some kids rarely know how to control themselves in front of a computer. (改为反意疑问句) Some kids rarely know how to control themselves in front of a computer, ________ ________? 65. I used to drink coffee when I am free, but now I drink tea instead. (保持原句意思不变)

Now I drink tea _________ _________ coffee when I am free. 66. We must think of a plot before we start to write a story. (改为被动语态) A plot must __________ __________ of before we start to write a story.

67. Add an ending to your story, and you’ll find it more attractive. (保持原句意思不变)

You _________ find your story less attractive _________ you add an ending to it. 68. box, Tony, lift, is, the, to, impossible, for, it, heavy (连词成肯定句) ___________________________________________________

63. Millie and Ken will finish their crime report in three days. (对划线部分提问)

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

Ⅵ. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

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