2019人教版八年级下册英语Unit 1题组综合练习(含答案)

题组综合练 模拟练


1.(2018·北京顺义区木林中学期中,1)He made a good_______(决定)to go to bed early every night.

2.(2018·安徽桐城二中期末,95)Ben is _______(躺)on the grass and enjoying the sunshine. 3.(2018·浙江杭州建德期中,61)—You look tired.What’s the m_______? —I didn’t sleep well last night,because I had a toothache.

4.(2018·安徽滁州全椒县期末,94)The bus is full of p_______(乘客).

5.(2018·浙江杭州建德期中,63)It’s not good to copy others’ homework.We should do homework by o_______.

6.(2017·山东高密四中文慧学校下学期开学考试,1)Our teachers often tell us the_______(危险)of the traffic accident.

7.(2017·浙江海宁新仓中学下学期第一次月考,46)Red wine usually gives a_______(头痛). 8.(2017·山东高密四中文慧学校下学期开学考试,8)The_______(温度)will be high tomorrow.. II.单项选择

1.(2018·辽宁灯塔二中期中,3)—_______,Jim? —I have a toothache.

A.How are you B.What are you doing C.What’s the matter D.Are you OK

2.(2018·山西孝义期中,21)—Do you know Ashima Shiraishi(15顶级攀岩女孩)?—Yes,she is a young_______.She got many big prizes for rock climbing. A.volunteer B.climber C.passenger

3.(2018·北京顺义区木林中学期中,4)Gina eats_______junk food so she is_______fat. A.too many;too much B.too much;too many C.too much;much too D.too many; much too

4.(2018·辽宁辽河油田兴隆台一中期中,20)I saw him_______on the side of the road when I passed by.


A.lie B.lied C.lying D.lay

5.(2018·山西农业大学附属中学期中,23)Peter was a problem child three years ago.But,_______,he is a top student in our school now.People sure change. A.to our surprise B.to star with C.to be honest

6.(2018·安徽蚌埠期末,21)You_______drive your car so fast.It’s very dangerous. A.could B.couldn’t C.should D.shouldn’t



1.(2018·天津中考,66)下一站我得下车了。 I have to_______ _______the bus at the next stop.


Bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road_______the driver saw an old man_______on the side of the road.

3.(2018·江苏常州中考,56)我们应当习惯公交出行。 We should_____________________by public transport.

4.(2018·湖北黄冈中考,85)作为一名登山运动员,亚历克斯习惯于冒险。(take) As a mountain climber,Alex is used to_____________________.

5.(2018·辽宁抚顺中考,57)无论发生什么,我们都不应该放弃希望。 No matter what happened,we shouldn’t_____________________hope. II.单项选择

1.(2018·四川德阳中考,22)—Do you often help your sister with her English? —No,she learns English by_______.

A.himself B.herself C.myself D.yourself 2.(2018·湖南怀化中考,23)_______your help,I can’t get good grades. A.With B.Without C.For

3.(2018·山东东营中考,25)—What a mess!The sharing bikes are thrown everywhere. —Let’s collect and put them in the right place_______they can be used conveniently.


A.unless B.so that C.because D.so long as

4.(2018·湖北宜昌中考,39)—The population of the poor is getting smaller and smaller. —_______the government,their living conditions have improved.

A.As for B.Thanks to C.As a result of D.Thanks for

5.(2018·湖北十堰中考,32)—A great person once said,“If you can follow your heart and never_______,you dream will come true.”

—I think so.I believe I will enter a good high school this year if I try hard. A.give away B.give back C.give out D.give up 6.(2017·重庆渝北中考,36)—_______ —My back hurts.. A.How’s it going? B.How do you do?

C.What’s the matter with you? D.Where is the hospital?


1.There are 60 birds in the tree.After a while,4 birds fly to the second tree from the first tree and 7 birds fly to the third tree from the second tree.Then there are 20 birds in every tree.Do you know how many birds are there in every tree at first?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Can you complete the blanks in the particular order(特定顺序)? A, B, E, F, I, J, _______ _______ 38, 35, 30, 27, _______ _______

3.Which number completes this sequence(顺次)? 5 8 14 26 ? ____________________________________________________________________

4.Two mothers and two daughters go shopping.Everyone buys a postcard in a bookstore.When they come back and count,there are only 3 postcards.Why?


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