牛津译林版英语7B Unit2单元练习含答案

7B Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town


1. She is a good friend of ________________(我的). 2. England is a __________________(西方的)country .

3. On Sundays, there are many ______________(购物者)in the shopping malls. 4. What a ________________(晴朗)day!Let’s go out for a walk. 5. You can go to a ________________(剧院)to enjoy Beijing Opera. 6. My favourite sport is _______________(羽毛球).

7. How much dog food can Eddie buy ________________(用)one yuan? 8. Let’s ______________(点) a pizza, shall we?

9. Jack got up so late that he _______________(错过)the last train.

10. Your hands look so _________________(脏的). Go and wash them. 二、根据中文写出下列短语

1. 在电冰箱里 2. 喜欢打羽毛球______________________ 3. 去电影院 4. 乘地铁____________________________ 5. 较少的空气污染 6. 我们中大多数人____________________ 7. 例如 8. 需要帮助做回家作业________________ 9. 选择你喜欢的任何食物 10. 没关系___________________________ 11. 为什么不做某事 12. 一个居住的好地方_________________ 13. 交流学生 14. 属于_____________________________ 15. 带领某人参观某地_____________________ 三、单项选择

( )1. Let us take ______ to the shopping mall

A. them B. themselves C. theirs D. their ( )2. How much ______ is there on the table?

A. meats B. meat C. eggs D. egg ( )3. _______ of the answers is right.

A. No B. None C. Not D. Every ( )4. The pollution here ______ becoming more and more serious.

A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )5. Thanks for _______ me.I really need your ______.

A. helping;help B. help;help C. helping;help D. helping; helping ( )6. There is a famous park here.______ name is Xuanwu Park.

A. My B. Her C. His D. Its ( )7. There are many ______ in Xi’an.

A. interesting place B. interesting places C. places of interesting D. place of interest ( )8. _______ in my class is good at writing.

A. No B. Not C. No one D. Some ( )9. There is ______ “u” and _______ “s” in the word “us”.

A. a;a B. an;an C. an;a D. a;an ( )10. _______ cartons of milk do you want?

A. How many B. How much C. What number D. What



______________________________________________________________________ 2.阳光镇有许多有趣的事情可做。

______________________________________________________________________ 3.从我家步行到学校只需20分钟。

______________________________________________________________________ 4.如果我奶奶需要帮忙做家务,她不必走远。

______________________________________________________________________ 5.中国画在世界上很有名。

______________________________________________________________________ 6.剧院是供人们观看戏剧或表演的好地方。

______________________________________________________________________ 7.教室里有多少学生?没人。

______________________________________________________________________ 8.假如你不喜欢中国食物,那儿也有许多西餐厅。

______________________________________________________________________ 9.他看起来像他的父亲。

______________________________________________________________________ 10.我们中大部分人住在公寓里。

______________________________________________________________________ 五、书面表达


日期 活动安排

周一 游览颐和园,注:明早八点到这儿 周二 早上去天安门广场,然后去王府井大街购物,吃烤鸭等

周三 爬长城 要求:语言通顺,连贯,得体。词数65左右。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning. ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________



1. mine 2. western 3. shoppers 4. sunny 5. theatre 6. badminton 7. with 8. order 9. missed 10. dirty 二、根据中文写出下列短语

1. in the fridge 2. enjoy/like/love playing badminton 3. go to the cinema 4. by underground 5. less air pollution 6. most of us 7. for example 8. need help with one’s homework 9. choose any food you like 10. never mind 11. why not do sth/why don’t you do sth 12. a good/wonderful place to live in 13. exchange students 14. belong to 15. show sb around 三、单项选择

1—5 ABBBA 6—10 DBCDA 四、句子翻译

1. John is going to show us around his hometown.

2. There are many interesting things to do in Sunshine Town.

3. My home is only 20 minutes from school on foot. / My home is only 20 minutes’ walk from school. / It takes me only 20 minutes to walk to school. /It takes me only 20 mintues to go to school on foot.

4. My grandmother doesn’t have to go far if she needs help with the housework. 5. Chinese paintings are very famous in the world.

6. A theatre is a good place for people to watch plays or shows in. 7. How many students are there in the classroom? None.

8. If you don’t like Chinese food, there’re lots of Western restaurants there, too. 9. He looks like his father. 10. Most of us live in flats. 五、书面表达

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning. I am John. I will tell you our visiting plan. First, we will visit the Summer Palace on Monday. We will go to Tian’an Men Square on Tuesday. Then we can go shopping on Wangfujing Street. At noon, we will have lunch in a famous restaurant. There we can eat Beijing Duck and some other famous food. We will climb the Great Wall on Wednesday. Don’t forget to be here at 8:00 am tomorrow.

Thank you!

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