
2.Mike, did, what, do, last, weekend(?) _______________________________________ 3.went, read, and, books, John, swimming(.) ________________________________________ 4.Amy, hiking, yesterday, went,(.)


Period 6

一、根据表格内容回答问题 went to a zoo went hiking read a book went swimming played football went fishing Alice Zhang Peng Tom Ann John Sarah yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday 1. What did Alice do yesterday?

_________________________________________ 2. Did Zhang Peng go hiking yesterday? _________________________________________ 3. Did Tom play football yesterday?

__________________________________________ 4. What did Ann do yesterday?

__________________________________________ 5. What did John do yesterday?

__________________________________________ 6. Did Sarah go fishing yesterday?


Unit4 My Holiday

Period 1


1、John ___________(climb)a mountain last year. 2、We ____________(eat)good food on our holiday.

3、I__________( sing) and________(dance)with my new friend last weekend. 4、Amy and Chen Jie ________(learn)Chinese last Monday. 5、My father________(take)pictures on his holiday.


1. ate *pictures A.爬山 2. climbed *with friends B.学习英语 3. took *English C.拍照片 4. sang and danced *fishing D.吃好吃的食物 5. learned *good food E.和朋友们唱歌、跳舞 6. went *a mountain F.去钓鱼

Period 2

一、用所给出的句子把对话补充完整,把序号填在横线上 A:Where did you go on your holiday? B:_____________________________________ A:How did you go there?

B:_____________________________________ A:_____________________________________ B:We took pictures and ate good food there. A:_____________________________________ B:Yes,we did.______________________________ A. What did you do? B. We went to Beijing on our holiday. C. Did you have a good time? D. We went by plane.

E. We had a lot of fun. 二、连词成句

1.did , what , you,there ,do(?)

____________________________________ 2.sang , I , and , danced , friends ,with , my ,new(.)

_________________________________________________ 3.Beijing , we, to , went , on , our , holiday(.)

__________________________________________________ 4.you , go ,where , did ,on ,holiday ,your(?)

__________________________________________________ 5.had , we , a lot of, on , fun , our , holiday(.) __________________________________________________

Period 3

一、 用所给单词填空 danced ate climbed went took Dear dad,

How are you? I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we________ to a restaurant . We _________ good food. On Tuesday we went to a park.We sang and_________. On Wednesday we played football. On Thursday we____________a mountain. We___________ many pictures. Tomorrow I’ll be back home! Miss you and mum. Love, Mike 二、看表格回答问题

Period 4

一. 写出动词的过去式形式

take __________dance__________sing_________ buy___________ row____________see____________go_______ get____________ learn__________ do_________eat_________ climb__________ 二.用所给图片编写句子

1. ————————————————————

2. ————————————————————

3. ————————————————————

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