英语人教版九年级全册Unit2 Section B(1a-1d)教案

Unit2 Section B(1a-1d)教案

【课 题】 【学习目标】 掌握本课生词 掌握本课短语 了解西方国家halloween的相关知识 【学习重点 难点】 【学法指导】 了解西方国家halloween背景---学习生词---听力训练—阅读听 力材料—巩固练习 一、导入(启发探究 3分钟) 万圣节由来 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious Section B 1a-1d 教师复备栏或 学生笔记栏 顺利完成听力练习1b 1c 关于万圣节由来的传说有许多版本,最普遍的认为,那是源于基督诞生前的古西欧国家,主要包括爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士,这几处的古西欧人叫德鲁伊特人。德鲁伊特的新年在十一月一日,新年前夜,德鲁伊特人让年轻人集队,戴着各种怪异面具,拎着刻好的萝卜灯(南瓜灯系后期习俗,古西欧最早没有南瓜),他们游走于村落间。这在当时实则为一种秋收的庆典;【教学过程】 也有说是“鬼节”,传说当年死去的人,灵魂会在万圣节的前夜 造访人世,据说人们应该让造访的鬼魂看到圆满的收成并对鬼魂呈现出丰盛的款待。所有篝火及灯火,一来为了吓走鬼魂,同时也为鬼魂照亮路线,引导其回归。这也就是为什么现在的万圣节里,还留有巫婆的扫帚、黑猫、咒语等痕迹。 二、自学(自主探究 6分钟) 拼读单词,记忆含义 haunted a. 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的p.13 ghost /g?ust/ n. 鬼;鬼魂 p.13 trick /trik/ n. 花招;把戏 p.13 treat /tri:t/ n. 款待;招待v. 招待;请客 p.13 spider /spaid?r)/ n. 蜘蛛 p.13 单词学习与运用 1. haunted adj. 有鬼魂出没的,闹鬼的haunt v. (鬼) 出没 一个鬼屋a haunted house 2. trick n. 花招,把戏 play a trick on sb = play tricks on sb.捉弄某人 3. treat n. 款待,招待 trick or treat 不请吃就捣蛋 This is my treat.这次由我请客。 v. 招待,请客 treat sb. treat sb well/ nicely/ badly treat sb. as… 把…当做… 【教学过程】 treat sb to sth. 请某人吃… 三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)1d 完成1a任务并交流 朗读单词,通晓词义 运用这些单词试着讲一讲halloween的相关知识 Halloween is a popular festival in western contries.it’s in October.It’s a scary festival. Many people turn off the lights and light candles. They sometimes also put things like spiders and ghosts around the doors and windows. It is called a haunted house.Little kids dress up as ghosts or black cats. Kids often say “Trick or treat!” at every house. 完成1b 1c听力任务并交流 听一遍,体会气氛并填空 Wu Yu: Hey Jane, what do you know about Halloween? Jane: Oh, it’s a festival in North America. Wu Yu: We don’t really celebrate it in China. I know that it’s in October, ? Jane: Yes, October 31st. It’s a festival, but I think it’s fun! Wu Yu: What do people do on that day? Jane: Many people make their houses look scary. They may the lights and light candles. They sometimes also put things like and around the doors and windows. Wu Yu: Wow, that sounds quite scary! Jane: It’s not that bad. Even little kids as ghosts or black cats. They can also dress up as fun things like cartoon characters. Some parents join in the fun by dressing up, too! Wu Yu: Do parents take their children around the neighborhood to ask for and ? Jane: Yeah. Kids say “Trick or treat!” at every house. This means that if you don’t give them a treat, they’ll a trick on you! Wu Yu: It sounds like a really fun festival! I if it’ll ever become popular in China. 再听一遍,回答1b问题 再听一遍,完成1c填空 朗读听力材料,勾画短语,翻译并背诵短语 a popular festival It’s a scary festival, on that day make their houses look scary. turn off the lights and light candles. put things like spiders and ghosts around the doors and windows. dress up as ghosts or black cats. dress up as fun things like join in the fun by dressing up, take their children around the neighborhood

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