高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:Unit 3 Science and nature Section Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关

Ⅰ 品句填词

1.Use your good ____________(判断) before you decide. 答案:judgement

2.The ____________ (多数) of students find it hard to accept the new theory. 答案:majority

3.From his ____________(害怕的) look,I guess he must have found something horrible. 答案:frightened

4.No one is to leave the building without my ____________(允许). 答案:permission

5.Please reenter your password to____________(确认) it is correct. 答案:confirm

6.He envies her the position she has achieved in her ____________(职业). 答案:profession Ⅱ 单句改错

1.I’d say she is pretty rich, judge from her clothes.____________________ 答案:judge→judging

2.The project,conducting by our headmaster,has won the students’ support.____________________ 答案:conducting→conducted

3.There was frost on the ground,confirmed that fall had arrived in Canada.____________________ 答案:confirmed→confirming

4.This frighten boy whose mother was lost in the disaster is looking for her now.____________________ 答案:frighten→frightened

5.We view the holiday for a time for recreation,but she has a different idea.____________________ 答案:第一个for→as Ⅲ 完成句子

1.就我个人而言,这部电影糟糕透顶。 As far as I’m concerned,this film ____________. 答案:couldn’t be worse


①________________________________________________________________________ ②________________________________________________________________________ ③________________________________________________________________________ 答案:①Julia is the tallest student in her class.②Julia is taller than any other student/all the other students/anyone else in her class.③No one can be taller than Julia in her class. 3.和他谈这事没有用。

______________________with him about it. 答案:It is no use talking 4.她能否来还很难说。

______________________she will be able to come. 答案:It is doubtful whether


He wouldn’t eat anything __________he cooked it himself. 答案:unless Ⅳ 课文语篇改错

GM food:hope or danger? There has been great progress in the study of genetics.Doors have opened up to technologies that never existed ago.There are two ways in that a plant or an animal can be genetically modified.First,new material can be inserted into it’s DNA to give the plant or animal qualities which they would never have in nature.Second,material can be taken from the DNA of a plant or the animal in order to remove qualities in which are not desired.One aim of GM research is to produce food which will make us healthier.GM plants has larger harvests.No one really knows whether it is safety for animals or humans to eat.No one knows that effects the GM material might have on the food chain. 答案:

GM food:hope or danger? ∧

There has been great progress in the study of genetics.Doors have been opened up to technologies that never existed


.There are two ways in a plant or an animal can be beforewhich


DNA to give the plant or its

genetically modified.First,new material can be inserted into animal qualities which DNA of a plant or


would never have in nature.Second,material can be taken from the it


animal in order to remove qualities in which are not desired.One aim of an

GM research is to produce food which will make us healthier.GM plants one really knows whether it is


larger harvests.No have


for animals or humans to eat.No one knows effects safewhat

the GM material might have on the food chain.


Ⅰ 单句语法填空

1.The court has yet to pass ____________ (judge) in this case. 答案:judgement

2.Though the girl had been suffering from the blood disease,she acted as if nothing had happened to her while facing her friends and ____________ (relate). 答案:relations

3.The research,____________(conduct) by St.George University,shows that different parents have different approaches to these problems. 答案:conducted

4.The number of students in our class is more than 50 and the majority of them ____________ (be) from the countryside. 答案:are

5.The possibility that the ____________ (major) of the labor force will work at home is often discussed. 答案:majority

6.After all,spotting tigers merely ____________(confirm) their beauty;tracking them can make you aware of something more. 答案:confirms

7.—He looks so frightening and the kids are really scared. —He often uses that ____________ (frighten) look to frighten them. 答案:frightening

8.No person shall enter the area without official ____________ (permit). 答案:permission

9.Do you remember the first time you ____________ (talk)with a foreigner? 答案:talked

10.Mr.Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been ____________ (much) popular. 答案:more

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