

1.心情不好:in a bad mood;一直做某事,不断地做某事:keep doing sth,故译成:She will keep calling us when she is in a bad mood

2.耐心十足:be patient enough,enough放在被修饰的形容词之后;等候:wait for;两小时,时长用介词for引出,故译成:The little boy was patient enough to wait for us for 2 hours . 3.使某人想起:remind sb of sth,总是……,用一般现在时态,故译成:The song always reminds me of my English teacher . 4.使某人怎样:make sb adj.和……不同:different from, 故译成:What makes him different from other students ? 5.教育孩子,不强调动作的执行者,用被动语态;教育某人做某事:educate sb to do sth;和某人分享:share sth with sb,故译成:Children should be educated to share their toys with each other .

答案:1.She will keep calling us when she is in a bad mood .2.The little boy was patient enough to wait for us for 2 hours .3.The song always reminds me of my English teacher .4.What makes him different from other

students ?5.Children should be educated to share their toys with each other .

28.考点:提纲作文 试


答案:Dear Tom , How are you recently ? Now I’ll tell you about my English teacher Mr.Lee.Mr.Lee is forty years old .He lives a happy life .He’s outgoing and gets on well with us students .He is good at teaching , he makes his class very interesting .After class , he often helps us with our English .He never smokes .He is good at sports , especially playing chess .Most of my classmates like him .We think he is not only

a good teacher , but also a good friend .I’m looking forward to hearing from you .Yours.Li Ming

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