
---Unless you _____ to pay the money back within six months. A.understand




23.--- What time would you like me to _____ his evening for the concert?

--- I think 6:30 will be OK. A.pick you up

B.pick you out

C.pick you out B.We all know

D.pick you off

24. _____, the materials expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature. A.It is well known

C.It is well known that a lot of truth.

A.not more than B.less than

C.more than

D.no more than

D.As is well known

25.History is _____ a subject that not only let us know something in history; it also tells us

26.In the evening the car broke down _____ and the heavy rain added to the helplessness of

the girl driver on the country road.

A.unexpectedly A.scared; into A.that; what about my work.

A.careful A.turned up

B.anxious B.turned down

C.curious C.turned off

D.crazy D.turned out

30.Her parents had had a very anxious moment but everything _____ all right in the end. 31.I often think of those winter days when we spent time reading books together, ____ a cup

of hot chocolate at hand.


spend at the seaside.





33.It’s always difficult being in a foreign country, _____ if you don’t speak the language.

A.extremely B.naturally C.specially A.more than twice C.twice as many as


34.Americans eat _____ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

B.as twice as many D.more than twice as many




32.---When were your legs injured? -- It was one Sunday last month ____ my father and I

B.all of a sudden C.unfortunately B.scared; out of B.what; what

C.scared; away C.what; that

D.immediately D.scares; out of D.that; that

27.News of the robberies _____ many people _____ fitting new locks to their doors. 28.It is not _____ you have said but what you have done _____ made us very disappointed. 29.---What do you think of Mr. Wang? -- He is a man full of curiosity. He is always _____

35._____ the heavy rain, we might have arrived there at midday.

A.If it were not for C.Had it not been for

B.Hadn’t it been for D.But with


21.B根据Let’s make him a model plane.这句话可知。That’s it 意为“那就是的”。 22.B understand 意为“明白,理解”;undertake“同意,保证”;underplay“对??不


23.A pick up 意为“驾车去接”;pick out“选出,分辨出”;pick over“仔细检查”;pick


24.D as引导非限制性定语从句时,as代表整个主句或主句的一部分内容, 并在从句中作

主语、宾语或表语。若选B、C,则横线后的逗号应省去。若选A,句子结构错误。 25.C more than 意为“不仅仅”;not more than“不多于”;less than“少于”;no more


26.B Unexpectedly 意为“没有预料到地”;all of a sudden“突然”;unfortunately“不


27.A scare … into意为“吓得某人去做某事”;scare …out of 意为“吓得某人不敢做某

事”scare away/off意为“将某人吓跑”。

28.C 此句是强调句型,强调what you have done,意为“你所做的”。 29.C be curious about意为“对??感兴趣(好奇)”。

30.D turn up“出现,露面”;turn down“关小,拒绝”;turn off“关掉电源等”,turn out


31.C此处是由“介词with+名词+介词短语”构成的复合结构,在句中作伴随状语。 32. A从句中spent为及物动词,故用关系代词that作其宾语。as 在从句中也可用作关系

代词,但先行词前常有such, the same , as, so修饰。

33.D extremely意为“极端地”; naturally 意为“自然地”;specially“特意地,专门地”;


34.D 表示倍数时,语序为“倍数(twice)+ as many as + …”,若是分数或其它副词如almost,

just 等也要置于第一个as 之前。句中more than twice 意为两倍多。 35.C题干中省略了if,应用倒装句式,此处是与过去事实相反。

一路风雨前程磨砺意志; 半载苦乐同享铸就辉煌。

高三第一轮英语单项选择题扎实冲刺014 编辑:李炳璋(原李东升)


21.She is the only one among the _____ authors who _____ detective story.

A.woman; writes a C.women; writes a

B.women; write a D.woman; write a

22.---How do you like the lecture last Friday?

---Terrible. Though _____ to stop, the _____ speaker kept on talking at the meeting.

A.being told; exciting C.to be told; exciting

B.telling; excited D.told; excited

23.— She shouldn’t have done that sort of thing.

--- Whatever she did was reasonable, _____ to what you had done. --- Besides, it’s none of your business. Get down to _____ your lessons.

A.comparing; doing C.compared; doing

B.comparing; do D.compared; do

24.---This is the first time I _____ my first picture with my own hands.

--- It is time that you _____ a picture for me.

A.took; took B.have taken; took C.took; will take D.will take; have taken

25.--You were so brave. It _____ great courage to raise objections at the meeting.

-- Well, but now I regret having done so. It might _____ me a good chance to get a rise.

A.took; took

B.needed; cost

C.took; cost

D.cost; cost

26.In the early 1920s, thousands of people went to Australia to _____ their fortune.





27.---I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible. ---_____.

A.Nor am I A.What; that

B.Neither would I C.Same with me D.So do I B.It; that

C.What; where D.It; where B.Determined; remaining D.Determining; remaining

28._____ puzzles me most is that I don’t know _____ the difference between those two lies. 29._____ to give up smoking, he threw away his _____ cigarettes.

A.Determined; remained C.Determining; remained

30.You will find this map of great _____ in helping you to get round London.





31.Why! I have nothing to confess. _____ you want me to say?

A.What is it that B.What it is that C.How is it that D.How it is that from high tech.




D.the moment

33.---It’s an unlucky thing that two paper-making factories have been built in this area.

--- Yes, but to _____ the river _____ being polluted, the government requires them to operate their firms by the environmental law.

A.make sure; of B.ensure; against C.keep; 不填

D.protect; for

32.Most of the Europeans refuse to accept GM food _____ Americans regard it as the fruit

34.---Shall we go and help them with their work?

--- We’d better not. They said we’d just be _____ if we tried to help.

A.in a way

B.by the way

C.on the way D.in the way

35.You may _____ remember some idioms in the texts but you couldn’t _____ remember all

the words in them.


21.C one among the women = one of the women, 由于one 前有the only 修饰,定语从句



23.C compare with / to 意为“将??与??相比较”,如果单独使用时,常采用过去分词

形式作状语,置于句首或句末。短语get down to中的to是介词,常接名词、代词或动名词。

24.B This / It is the first /…time (that)…中that从句中,谓语动词应用现在完成时,译为

“这是第一次??”,It’s time that…从句中动词应用过去时(即虚拟语气),译为“该??的时候了”。

25.C take表示“花费,需要”,句型为:It takes sb./ sth. to do sth.意为:“某人做某事用了

多少时间或需要什么”。cost表示“花费”时,句型为:sth. cost sb…主要用于 于金钱、时间等,主语是物,不能是人。cost还有“使付出(代价);使丧失”,如:Dangerous driving could cost you your life.

26.A. seek意为“寻求财富”,B、C、D项均无此义。 27.B从语境中判断与上下文相同的语气,“我也不会这么做”。

28.C第一空是what 引导的从句作主语,第二空由where 引导宾语从句。 29.B第一空是过去分词作状语,第二空是现在分词作定语。

30.C of +n.= adj., price (价格)和cost (成本)不合题意;D项中use可作名词。 31.A此句是强调特殊疑问词what,其语序应为倒装语序。

32.C while在此处表示“对照,比较”,意为“而,却”。A、B、D项没有此义。 33. B ensure sb. against (from)…保护某人免受危险;keep sb. from…中的from 不能省略。


34.D in a way意为“在某种程度上”,by the way“顺便”,on the way“在路上,即将”,in the way“阻碍,挡道”。

35.A probably表示可能性大,十有八、九的可能,possibly 表示可能性较小,十有三、四的可能。likely是形容词,可能性比probably小,比possibly大。

A.probably; possibly C.likely; possibly

B.possibly; probably D.probably; likely

时光如梭看我少年学子六月追风去; 云帆直挂令那美丽人生明朝入眼来。

高三第一轮英语单项选择题扎实冲刺015 编辑:李炳璋(原李东升)

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