

摘 要


关键词:个性化 ,服务 ,酒店


Regard customer as the centre of the individualized service in the increasingly fierce market competition to play the differentiation of management of competitive advantage. Personalized services to embody in hotel daily management and service, not only in a specific project, a regulations or a slogan. Personalized services to both hardware and software is not an exact definition and principles. So the hotel operation of personalized service, brand personality is not strong, service personnel of technology innovation such as the limited, direct constrains the institutionalization of personalized service, brand establishment and practice. Personalized management mode and personal services is the innovation. From the hotel management and operation mechanism of architecture framework and professional skills of employees from two aspects of the quality training to the hotel of personalized service this reform and innovation of practice and construction. This hotel can form characteristics of conventional high quality service and management, can win more customers, occupied larger market, constantly creates profit.

KEY WORDS: personality , service , hotel

目 录

摘 要.......................................................... I ABSTRACT ...................................................... II 一、 酒店个性化服务的内涵及其重要性 ........................... 1 (一)满足顾客的个性需求,创造自己特有的服务品牌 ............... 1 (二)寻找新的机会,抢占新的市场 ............................... 1 (三)树立良好的企业形象,在竞争取胜 ........................... 1 (四)在行业中取得竞争优势 .................................... 1 二、酒店个性化存在的问题 ....................................... 2 三、酒店个体化服务的原则和规范 ................................. 3 (一)一个目标 ................................................ 3 (二)两项保障 ................................................ 3 (三)“三特”机会 ............................................ 3 (四)四个误解 ................................................ 3 四、酒店个性化服务的创造实践与建设 ............................. 5 (一)从酒店的角度出发 ........................................ 5 (二)从服务员的角度出发 ...................................... 6 结 论.......................................................... 8 谢 辞.......................................................... 9 参考文献 ...................................................... 10

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