
防 灾 科 技 学 院

毕 业 设 计

题 目 学生姓名 系 别 班 级 开题时间 指导教师


学 号


灾害信息工程系 专 业

答辩时间 职 称



作 者:魏增丽 指导老师:白灵

摘要: 随着高校的信息化建设进程日益深入,计算机网络技术的飞速发展,高校校园网建设


关键词: 在线考试;客户/服务器模式;文件存储


The design and implementation of online examination system

based on Java

Author:WEI Zeng-li Instructor:BAI Ling

Abstract: As colleges and universities information construction process is becoming more and

more deeply,the rapid development of computer network technology,campus network construction of colleges and universities gradually improve,the traditional examination way already can not adapt to the need of modern test。Development of on-line examination system based on Java,by this software can realize multidisciplinary online exam,can the teachers from the onerous paper proposition, marking examination papers, papers and tests, analysis, and was relieved from the printed paper-based test, according to the test venue distribution examination paper, paper-based test to save a lot of hard work,and improve the confidentiality of the test paper。In this paper, based on C/S mode is designed,adopted the file to store the test question and the user easy to maintain,server using Java components of the test system,is it convenient to use, simple operation, high efficiency。That is the real paperless examination,meet the candidates and quickly obtain test anytime and anywhere,greatly reduced the teacher, group volume and change the questions such as heavy workload。

Key words: The online test;C/S mode;File storage


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