
中考一轮复习 A 开头词汇(一)(讲义)

??以字母 A 开头的单词 a (an) /?/ /?n/

art. 一(个、件??) big mouth half hour a 用在 前, an 用在 前

a pair of… a set of… a symbol of… a waste of… 6:45:



able /'eibl/

adj. 能够;有能力的

be able to

I haven’t been able to speak Japanese. 名词形式: be able to do sth. = :有能力做某事


comfortable knowledgeable believable loveable washable about /?'ba?t/ prep. 对于,关于;在??周围;围绕 adv. / adj.大约;到处;四处


hear about worry about be serious about How/What+about( ):

How/What about (have) a drink with me after class? be about to do sth.

Sit down everyone, the film is about to start. above /?'b?v/ prep. 在??之上;超过 adv. 在上面

Raise your arms above your head. The temperature above 37℃… Children above 10…

For the above reasons,… 尤其是;最重要的是 Max is fair, hardworking and above all honest.

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/?'br??d/ She often adv. 在外国;到国外;广泛地

(出国) on business.


absent /'?bs(?)nt/

Students who are regularly absent from school will fail the exam. accept /?k'sept/ v. 接受

She received an invitation for the party, but she didn’t accept it.

反义词: accident /'?ks?d?nt/

by accident n. 事故;意外遭遇 _ I met my English teacher in the cinema by accident. ache /e?k/ n. 痛,疼痛 according /?'k??d??/ to

driving. achieve /?'t?i?v/


You will Your dream will achievement n. across /?'kr?s/

go across = cross across across from come across


v. 实现;达到;完成

your dream. . prep. According to the law, you are fined to 1000 yuan because of drink

adv./prep. 横过;穿过

The boys sitting across from me on the train are TFBOYS. I came across my English teacher in the cinema. act /?kt/ n. 法令,条例

v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事

Johnny Depp acted the best in that movie. :n. 演员

:n. 行动;行为

He became active in many activities. :adj. 积极的;主动的;活跃的 :n. 活动 [C]

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actually /'?kt?u?li/

actually = adv. 真实地;事实上

add /?d/ v. I’ll add your name to the list. ( :把??加进??) The numbers add up to 100. ( :总共是,总计为)

address /?'dres/ n. 地址,住址 adult /'?d?lt/ adj. 成年的;成人的

n. 成人;成年动物

baby → child → teenager → adult admire /?d'ma??/ v. 欣赏;仰慕 admire the moon admire sb. = sb. advantage /?d'vɑ?nt?d?/ n. 优点;好处;有利条件 [C,U] There are some advantages of bike riding…. The disadvantage of bike riding is …. 反义词:

advertisement /,?dv?'ta?zm?nt/ n. 广告[C](缩写形式:ad) advice /?d'va?s/ n. 建议;劝告;忠告 [U]


Can you give me some advice please? 给建议: 听从建议: /?d'va?z/

v. 建议;劝告;忠告

I advise you to review these words three times a week.

/?'f??d/ v. 负担得起(??的费用);抽得出(时 间);提供;承担的起(后果) I can’t afford a new car. :承担得起做某事

I can’t afford to buy a new car. afraid /?'fre?d/ adj. 害怕的;担心


I’m afraid that you have to stay at home alone. I’m afraid of dark. I’m afraid of being alone. I’m afraid to be alone.

—Will I stay at home alone, mum? —I’m afraid so.

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