
Building industry opens up new world of entrepreneurial struggle to build a three provinces of regional central cities--in the Communist x counties the six plenary session members and comrades: today, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standing Committee, reports to the General Assembly. Consideration of all members and alternates, and comrades attending advice. A, and this year yilai of work recalled this year yilai, in municipal of right led Xia, County solidarity led County people, to science development views for guide, to good activities for mainline, according to \a city four modernizations three more\development thought, concentrated poly force, work hard, political, and economic, and culture, and social and party of construction are made has new progress, County rendering out wind fresh are, and career prosperity, and social settled, and people mind into of good situation. (A) facilitating the construction of the project. Firmly establish the \project is economic, grasping development project is to hold\nary efforts to promoting the construction of key projects. Plot 108 key projects for the year, with a total investment of 29.3 billion yuan, iron plate, Josh stone cement waste heat power generation and 13 projects completed, worship of 1.2 million tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicken farming, 47 projects under construction, completed investment of 3.95 billion yuan, annual plan of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product is expected to reached 8.5 billion yuan, and total revenue of 943 million Yuan. (B) structural adjustment achieved remarkable results. Actively transforming the pattern of economic development, industrial ecology, and agricultural modernization and industrialization of services. High x-County • Tin iron circular economy demonstration area, and further expand economic development zone Jing Dian recycle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular economy and rapid economic development. Focus more on the dialectical relationship between development and environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction projects play an important role. Vigorously developing agriculture, ecological agriculture, agriculture, modern agricultural clearing along the RiverPromenade begins to take shape. Key tourism projects is going well, WA Palace area was named \ntial cultural relics in Hebei province landscape\w services, and services with new developments. (C) urban-rural integration process. Promoting \-year difference\of two large demolition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, exceeded the annual Tsk 7 months in advance. General big building jiangjun road, bridge and highway bridges, the green heart of the city and other urban construction projects, and focus on building new countryside and new housing model villages, urban and rural areas improve. Highway opened to traffic, Liu Zhang, Qing LAN high-speed x-County section completed by the end of August. Urban and rural



二、按规定定时、定期对电梯进行检查和维护,如发现电梯故障必须立即进行检修,检修时要公示告之。 三、电梯维修、保养时,不行少于两人;工作时必须严格按照安全操作规程去做,不准用导线短接已坏的厅门门锁开关及各个安全开关;严禁酒后操作。 四、工作前,应检查自已的劳保用品及携带工具有无问题,电梯维修保养时,一般不准带电作业,若必须带电作业时,应有监护人,并有可靠的安全措施。 五、电梯在维修保养时,不允许载客或装货。 六、维修人员必须熟练掌握急救方法和处理等程序,掌握防火知识和灭火常识。



evelopment work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, \nge\n and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rate of the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, n principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanwhile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. To establish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, \-stop reception, one-stop service\he simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with theBuilding industry opens up new world of entrepreneurial struggle to build a three provinces of regional central cities--in the Communist x counties the six plenary session members and comrades: today, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standing Committee, reports to the General Assembly. Consideration of all members and alternates, and comrades attending advice. A, and this year yilai of work recalled this year yilai, in municipal of right led Xia, County solidarity led County people, to science development views for guide, to good activities for mainline, according to \a city four modernizations three more\development thought, concentrated poly force, work hard, political, and economic, and culture, and social and party of construction are made has new progress, County rendering out wind fresh are, and career prosperity, and social settled, and people mind into of good situation. (A) facilitating the construction of the project. Firmly establish the \project is economic, grasping development project is to hold\nary efforts to promoting the construction of key projects. Plot 108 key projects for the year, with a total investment of 29.3 billion yuan, iron plate, Josh stone cement waste heat power generation and 13 projects completed, worship of 1.2 million tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicken farming, 47 projects under construction, completed investment of 3.95 billion yuan, annual plan of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product is expected to reached 8.5 billion yuan, and total revenue of 943 million Yuan. (B) structural adjustment achieved remarkable results. Actively transforming the pattern of economic development, industrial ecology, and agricultural modernization and industrialization of services. High x-County • Tin iron circular economy demonstration area, and further expand economic development zone Jing Dian recycle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular economy and rapid economic development. Focus more on the dialectical relationship between development and environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction projects play an important role. Vigorously developing agriculture, ecological agriculture, agriculture, modern agricultural clearing along the RiverPromenade begins to take shape. Key tourism projects is going well, WA Palace area was named \ntial cultural relics in Hebei province landscape\w services, and services with new developments. (C) urban-rural integration process. Promoting \-year difference\of two large demolition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, exceeded the annual Task 7 months in advance. General big building jiangjun road, bridge and highway bridges, the green heart of the city and other urban construction projects, and focus on building new countryside and new housing model villages, urban and rural areas improve. Highway opened to traffic, Liu Zhang, Qing LAN high-speed x-County section completed by the end of August. Urban and rural安全操作规程

一、每日开始工作前,查看电梯上、下行驶数次是否正常。 二、开启厅门进入轿厢前,必须注意轿厢是否停在该层。厅门不能在外用手扒启,当厅、轿门未完全关闭时电梯不能启动。



五、严禁在厅、轿门开启情况下,用检修速度作正常行驶。 六、不允许揿按检修、急停按钮作为正常行驶中的信号。 七、劝告乘客勿倚轿门;轿顶不准放置杂物。


九、不允许以手动轿门的启闭作为电梯的起动或停止。 十、载荷应尽可能稳妥地安放在轿厢中间,避免在运行中倾倒。




evelopment work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, \nge\n and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rate of the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new ndustrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanwhile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. To establish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, \-stop reception, one-stop service\he simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with theBuilding industry opens up new world of entrepreneurial struggle to build a three provinces of regional central cities--in the Communist x counties the six plenary session members and comrades: today, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standing Committee, reports to the General Assembly. Consideration of all members and alternates, and comrades attending advice. A, and this year yilai of work recalled this year yilai, in municipal of right led Xia, County solidarity led County people, to science development views for guide, to good activities for mainline, according to \a city four modernizations three more\development thought, concentrated poly force, work hard, political, and economic, and culture, and social and party of construction are made has new progress, County rendering out wind fresh are, and career prosperity, and social settled, and people mind into of good situation. (A) facilitating the construction of the project. Firmly establish the \project is economic, grasping development project is to hold\nary efforts to promoting the construction of key projects. Plot 108 key projects for the year, with a total investment of 29.3 billion yuan, iron plate, Josh stone cement waste heat power generation and 13 projects completed, worship of 1.2 million tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicken farming, 47 projects under construction, completed investment of 3.95 billion yuan, annual plan of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product is expected to reached 8.5 billion yuan, and total revenue of 943 million Yuan. (B) structural adjustment achieved remarkable results. Actively transforming the pattern of economic development, industrial ecology, and agricultural modernization and industrialization of services. High x-County • Tin iron circular economy demonstration area, and further expand economic development zone Jing Dian recycle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular economy and rapid economic development. Focus more on the dialectical relationship between development and environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction projects play an important role. Vigorously developing agriculture, ecological agriculture, agriculture, modern agricultural clearing along the RiverPromenade begins to take shape. Key tourism projects is going well, WA Palace area was named \ntial cultural relics in Hebei province landscape\w services, and services with new developments. (C) urban-rural integration process. Promoting \-year difference\of two large demolition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, exceeded the annual Task 7 months in advance. General big building jiangjun road, bridge and highway bridges, the green heart of the city and other urban construction projects, and focus on building new countryside and new housing model villages, urban and rural areas improve. Highway opened to traffic, Liu Zhang, Qing LAN high-speed x-County section completed by the end of August. Urban and rural




1、运行次数 2、故障时间 3、使用时间 4、停机时间 二、保养记录的内容 1、保养次数 2、保养部位 3、保养人员 三、检修记录的内容 1、检修单位及检查负责人 2、检修日期 3、故障发生的原因

4、检修部位、零件损坏及更换情况 5、发生故障的现象及后果 6、修复后的现象及后果 7、修复后的处理结论


evelopment work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, \nge\n and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rate of the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanwhile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. To establish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, \-stop reception, one-stop service\he simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with the

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