


题目:__ tried to take action to stop it. : The authority; The authorities; Authorities 题目:__ you involved in the matter? : Have; Are; Do

题目:All the airports in the country are working __ today. : normally; correctly; regularly

题目:Are you aware __ what you have said? : for; of; about

题目:Does the restaurant have a non-smoking __? : part; section; place

题目:He __ about the time of the train. : required; requested; enquired

题目:He __ his wallet in the street yesterday. : was robbed of; was robbed; was robbed off 题目:He __ when we were at a meeting. : burst in; burst to; burst into 题目:He is a man of __.

: a high intelligence; high intelligences; high intelligence 题目:He spent __ day in his room. : whole; an entire; the all

题目:Her uncle takes a__ interest in her progress. : private; personal; own

题目:I can’t put __ what he said. : on with; up for; up with


题目:I met my old friend __ in the street yesterday. : by chance; by the chance; by a chance 题目:I think music can __ your pain. : reduce; decrease; lessen

题目:I was very much __ by his word. : hurt; injured; damaged

题目:My dog will __ by my friend when I am on holiday. : is cared for; be looked after; be taken care 题目:The girl __ his father.

: looked on to; looked up to; looked up on 题目:The girl is keen __ music. : for; on; to

题目:The girl was __ about her new toy. : over the moon; above the moon; on the moon 题目:The photograph seems quite __. : current; present; recent

题目:The teacher __ for breaking the window. : told off him; told him out; told him off 题目:They _ for almost two years. : got married; married; have been married

题目:They __ the football match because it rained today. : stop; cancelled; gave up

题目:They __ the old house and built a restaurant. : demolished; damaged; hurt

题目:They are doing some __ on AIDS.


: research; investigation; search 题目:They had a good time at the __. : fun fair; funfair; funny fair 题目:Tom __ Helen four years ago. : married; married with; married to

题目:We __ each other for almost three years.

: was in love for; have been in love with; fell in love with 题目:We are all __ being a Chinese. : proud to; proud for; proud of

题目:We are trying to __ funds for the poor people. : raise; collect; pay

题目:What has __ to the woman? : occurred; taken place; happened

题目:What he said __ all the people in the office. : were amusing; amused; was amused 题目:What you said __ the mater.

: is not related for; is not relevant for; is not relevant to 题目:Would you like __ more drinks? : a little; a slight; a bit of

题目:You can ask the driver to __ at the station. : drop you off; drop you down; drop off you 题目:________fine weather it is! : What; What a; How; How a

题目:---What’s happened to Tom?

: He’s been taken; He’ll be taken; He’ll take

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