
Unit Five(词汇篇)

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________



名词:homework, building, neighbor, feeling, difference, attention, middle, trouble, heart 动词:laugh, smile, introduce, cry, forget, pay, happen, hear, begin, review, understand, catch

形容词:primary, cheap, close, dirty, expensive, far, friendly, large, open, true, afraid, angry, excited, nervous, sad, quiet, noisy, loud, proud, perfect, key, main, simple, general 副词:still, either, ago, slowly, anyway, loudly, quickly, clearly 二、短语

1.primary school小学 2.junior school 初中 3.pay attention 注意 4.be in trouble 处于麻烦

5.give up 放弃 6.look up 查找 7.far away 遥远的 8.stop doing 停止某事

9.for the first time 第一次 10.do well in 善于做某事 11.make mistakes 犯错误 12.worry about sth 担心某事 13.get on a bus 上车 14.be full of 充满 15.say a word 讲句话 16.open my heart 敞开心扉 17.ask sb to do sth 叫某人某事

18.be friendly to sb 对....友好 19.have lots of trouble with sth 在.....事上有许多困难

20.get on well with sb 和.....相处融洽 21.be well-known for 因.....有名 三、句型

1. Back then our house was small,but we were close to our neighbors. 在那时,我们的房子很小,但是我们同邻居的关系密切。

2.There weren’t so many cars. There weren’t many buses,either. 没太多的小车,也没有许多公共汽车。 3.Was my mum there a lot? 我妈妈经常去那儿吗?

4.Where were you at 7:30 yesterday morning? 昨天早上7:30你在哪里?

5.look afraid “看起来害怕”。 Look 此处是一个感官动词,可以与形容词一起使用。 6.stop doing 停止做某事; stop to do 停下手边的工作开始走某事 7.ask sb to do sth 请某人做某事,该短语的否定格式是ask sb not to do sth 8.too,either,also 的区别

Too,用于肯定句中,放在句末,表示也。 Also,用于肯定句中,放在句中,表示也,经常。 Either,用于否定句中,放在句末,表示也。

1.Nowadays the traffic is too heavy, but why wasn’t it good before,_____________? A.too B.also C.either D.neither

2.---Do you know how they________with each other? ---Yes, They have become close friends now.

A.be friendly B.get on C.travel around D.make friends 3.Some didn’t like school. They were quite and looked__________.

A.great B.afraid C. delicious D.soft 4.Why not ask him to __________ have a rest?

A.stop to B.stop C.stopping D.is stopping 5.She brought me a chair and ask me____________in front of her.

A. sit B.sitting C.to sit D.sits 解析:

1.too,用于肯定句中,放在句末,表示也。also,用于肯定句中,放在句中,表示也,经常。 either,用于否定句或者疑问中,放在句末,表示也。此句是否定句,所以选C。 2.固定搭配get on well with,和.....相处融洽。所以选B。

3.look afraid “看起来害怕”。 Look 此处是一个感官动词,可以与形容词一起使用。Some didn’t like school可以看出应该是afraid。

4.stop doing 停止做某事;stop to do 停下手边的工作开始走某事,ask sb to do sth,故选A。 5.ask sb to do sth固定搭配。




1.生日聚会 ________________ 2.中国新年_________________ 3.购物中心_________________ 4.时间飞逝_________________ 5.对某人友善_______________ 6.在那个时候_______________ 7.谈论关于..._______________ 8.看起来害怕________________ 9.努力做某事_______________ 10.讲句话___________________ 二、根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。

1.---What was the t__________like then? ---There weren’t so many cars or buses in our town.

2.Bach then,our neighbors were f__________to each other. 3.Time f________. Things change fast.

4.---When is your b__________? ---It’s on December 6th. 5.---Do you remember the f__________day of your primary school?

I met you for the f_________time that day. ---Yeah. You looked so sort and thin at that time.

6.When we were pupils, we liked to ride b___________to school every morning.

7.I still remember there weren’t many s____________ centers in the town. There were only small shops.

8.Now we live in large f___________,but we are f__________away from each other. 9.Jane lives c__________to school, so she walks to school every day.

10.Look at those beautiful buildings. They are fast-food r__________. We can eat there.



tell spend visit cook take give live Dear Sandy,

Thanks for your email. I arrived home safe and sound. My grandparents 1.________ in a small town thirty miles away from Xu Zhou. I 2.________about half an hour getting there. They 3._________me a warm welcome, and 4.__________me a big meal. We chatted far into the night and I 5.__________some happy stories about them and their neighbors. I had a wonderful time there.

There are a lot of changes here in XuZhou. I 6.________some photos and send some to you later. Next time, I’d like you and your family to come with me. You can 7.__________many places of interest here. 四、根据中文提示完成下列各句。

1.我记不得我第一天在学校的事情了,但是妈妈总是谈到这件事。 I don’t remember_____________________________, but my mum always_______________________it. 2.在第一天上学的日子,我看起来有点紧张。

On the first day at school, I______________________________. 3.这个小孩停止了哭泣,并且和他的伙伴玩了起来。

That child_____________________________________________his friends. 4.有个小女孩她既不哭也看不来害怕。

There was a little girl who____________________________________. 5.在2005年的夏天,我住在北京并在那里学习中文。

In the summer of 2005, I_______________________________________there. 答案:

一、1.birthday party 2.Chinese New Year 3.shopping center 4.time flies 5.be friendly to

6.back then 7.talk about 8.look afraid 9.try to do 10.say a word

二、1.traffic 2.friendly 3.flies 4.birthday 5.first; first

6.bikes 7.shopping 8.flats;far 9.close 10.restaurant

三、1.live 2.spent 3.gave 4.cooked 5.told 6.will take 7.visit

四、1.my first day at school; talks about 2.looked kind of nervous 3.stopped crying and played with

4.didn’t cry or look afraid 5.lived in Beijing and studied Chinese


1.Look at that small shop. ____________my mum there a lot when she was a child? A. Was B.Is C.Were D.Did

2.---Our town changes a lot,Granny! ---Yeah,honey. It wasn’t like before. A.them B.those C.this D.one 3.--- were you at 6:30 yesterday evening?

---I was in the chicken,preparing for my dinner..

A.What B.Why C.Where D.When 4.---When’s your birthday? ---It’s October 12th. A.in B.on C.at D.by 5.Lily is good at reading and writing, but she well in listening.. A.doesn’t B.isn’t C.doesn’t do D.wasn’t 6.Now I still don’t understand every word, but I never practicing. A. Get on well with B.give up C.talk about D.make mistakes in

7.He though he__________some trouble with reading in the last two year, but now he has improved a lot.

A.has B.is having C.was have D.had

8.Cheng Cheng wasn’t a top student school and he often forgot ___________homework then. A.doing B.to do C.does D.did 9.When I told my teacher the story, she said she_________remember it.

A.can’t B.needn’t C.couldn’t D.mustn’t 10.---What Grandpa’s neighbors like before? ---They were friendly to each other,just like a big family.

A.were B.did C.was D.are 二、完型

Today we went to Oxford Street. We left Mike’s house___1___9:00 and____2___on a bus. We___3___at 9:30, but it was to___4___! All the shops ___5___still closed. We won’t shopping the whole___6__. Jill___7___some clothes, but I didn’t by __8__. Since in London were so___9___ ! We ate fish and chips for the lunch. In the afternoon, we ___10___ the British Museum.

1. A. at B.

in C.on D.until

2. A.get B.gets C. got D.getting 3. A. reached B.got C.went D.arrived

4. A.hot B.early C. narrow D.late

5. A.are B.is C.were D.did 6. A.

morning B.night C.afternoon D.evening

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