
complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, \bility of three\nts of the management system, responsible for \of three\on of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company \ system requirements, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organizaton implmentation, and implementation, and 1 设计原始题目

1.1 具体题目


124.5I28.43265584104.219(c)6212.118(d)21613.6A7(a)3.21034.1662321204.52230B17401513.68(b)3.2126.3134.51413.997II3281110.6 图1 负序网络图实例

1.2 要完成的内容


2 设计课题的计算与分析

2.1 计算的意义


complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, \bility of three\nts of the management system, responsible for \of three\on of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company \developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and 2.2 详细计算

(1) 由图2得图3,则

1I24.528.473.2583265664104.2971034.11816328212.1204.522302(d)3.6BA1117121310.6401513.66.34.5II1413.9图2 线路(b),(c)断开后网络图


XX3×X527=X=5.6(Ω) 3+X4+X5XX3×X428=X=73.1(Ω) 3+X4+X5XX4×X529=X=2.2(Ω) 3+X4+X5X30=X20+X22=35(Ω)


XX28×(X29+X6)34=XX=5.2(Ω) 28+29+X10+X6XX28×X35=10X=21.6(Ω) 28+X29+X10+X6XX10×(X29+X6)36=XX=2.4(Ω)

28+29+X10+X6X37=X12+X15=19(Ω) X38=X11+X32+X21=38(Ω)

X39=X27+X34=10.8(Ω) X40=X9+X36=9.4(Ω)

XX23×X2741=X=13.1(Ω) 23+X272321 complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, \nts of the management system, responsible for \ity of three\he formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economc responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company \developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implmentation, and implementation, and电力牵引供电系统课程设计报告


图3 第一步网络简化图

(2) 求A对I、II的分配系数CIA、CIIA,则网络由图3经图4化简为图5 对元件35、38、40、41进行Δ-Y变换得:



X43=X35+X41+X38+X40X40×(X38+X41)=5.9(Ω) =X44X35+X41+X38+X40X45=X16+X17=44(Ω) X46=X39+X42=13.3(Ω) X42=X47=X44+X13=10.9(Ω)


X48=X43+X46=29.1(Ω) X47X43+X47=29.1(Ω)



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