

Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择 (15分)

从下列各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. We took trip to the Great Wall last weekend and trip made us very


A. a; a B. the; a

A. dictionary B. passport A. in B. on —For six weeks. A. last —OK.

A. is; pair B. were; one

C. are; pair D. is; one

B. open

C. begin

D. start

C. a; the

D. the; the

( ) 2. A person who will travel to a foreign country must carry a .

C. ticket D. notebook C. off

D. at

( ) 3. Each of the girls got a small gift the end of the party last night. ( ) 4. —How long will the summer English courses ?

( ) 5. —Mum, look! My trousers short. Can you buy me a new ?

( ) 6. —Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? —Well, it all the weather.

A. gets on

B. puts on

C. tries on

D. depends on

( ) 7. —Our school bus will leave at 8 o’clock tomorrow. Don’t be late.

—OK. I will be there ten minutes . A. sooner B. slower —I haven’t decided where . A. go B. went — .

B. Yes, I have

C. You’re welcome D. No, thanks ( )10.—The meat is delicious.

—Yes, but don’t eat . It’s not good for your health. A. too much; too much B. much too; too much C. too much; much too D. much too; much too

C. going

D. to go

C. earlier

D. faster

( ) 8. —I will go to Harbin for my holiday. What about you?

( ) 9. —Don’t forget to call me when you arrive there. A. No, I won’t

( )11.—Tom, may I use your pen to the application (申请) form?

—Sure. Here you are.

A. fill out B. pay for A. made B. got A. and day.

A. do

B. to do

C. doing D. done

( )15.—Goodbye, Linda. .

—Bye, Mike! I’ll write to you.

B. With pleasure D. Stay in touch

C. Sounds great A. Keep fit Ⅱ. 完形填空 (10分)


Sometimes, travel is not as beautiful as people planned. My friend Michelle and I had a(n) 16 journey in Italy. We took an all night train to a town near Venice. We 17 a car (车厢) with an Italian family — a five-year-old 18 and her parents. The girl had a bad cough. She coughed and 19 all the way. We arrived at our hotel early the 20 morning and took a rest. When it was time to leave for Venice, Michelle said that she didn’t 21 well and she couldn’t go, 22 I had to go by myself. I walked around Venice and visited some attractions, and then I was 23 . When I decided to go back to the hotel, I 24 I couldn’t find my way out of the city. It started getting 25 . What should I do? At last, I had to call Michelle to come and help me go back to our hotel. What a bad journey! ( )16. A. excellent B. interesting ( )18. A. girl B. boy ( )19. A. laughed ( )20. A. next ( )22. A. so ( )24. A. said Ⅲ. 阅读理解 (20分)


B. near B. if

C. unhappy

D. good D. mended D. cried D. eat D. though D. guessed D. bright

( )17. A. bought B. shared C. gave

B. smiled C. sang

C. first

C. study

C. because

B. or

C. count down

D. come out

( )12. The little girl her seat to an old lady on the crowded bus yesterday.

C. offered

C. so

D. brought

( )13. I think the actor is famous, none of my friends has ever heard of him.

D. but

( )14. Plan your time carefully and make sure you have more time what you like every

C. man D. teacher

D. other

( )21. A. smell B. feel

( )23. A. sad B. angry C. glad D. tired

B. found C. thought

( )25. A. sunny B. short C. dark


Travelling is Jane’s favourite. She has been to many places of interest in the world with her family. Last year they went to London.

It was an early Friday morning. They took a taxi to the train station and took a train to London. When they arrived in London, they visited the Tower of London, the Tower Bridge, the British Museum and many other places of interest. They enjoyed themselves in London for a week. They had a lot of interesting experiences during the trip. The most interesting one was that they met a parrot in a pet shop. In the pet shop, they saw a parrot with a red string tied (系) to its left leg and a green string tied to its right leg. They asked the owner why the parrot had these strings tied to its legs. “Well, this is a well trained parrot. If you pull the red string, he speaks English; if you pull the green string, he speaks French,” answered the shop owner.

“And what will happen if I pull both?” “It will fall down.”

( )26. Where did Jane go last year?

A. To America. B. To Japan. C. To Britain. ( )27 How did Jane get there?

A. By bus and plane. B. By train and ship.

C. By air and taxi. D. By taxi and train. A. For five days.

B. For seven days. C. For a month. D. For one year.

D. To China.

( )28 How long did they stay there?

( )29. What was the most interesting part of the trip?

A. They met a parrot in a pet shop. B. They visited the Tower of London. C. They met a strange man. D. They visited the British Museum. A. Chinese and English. B. English and French. C. Japanese and English. D. Chinese and Japanese.


People often get sick when they travel because they don’t have a normal (正常的) life on the road. They don’t get enough rest. Sometimes they need to get up very early to catch a flight. Very often they leave the hotel before the sun comes up and don’t get back until late at night because they want to visit as many places as possible. They walk a long way to see famous places. It is

( )30. What language could the parrot speak?

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