2018高考英语一轮复习构想 Unit 2 Cloning课时作业 新人教版选修8

Unit 2 Cloning




home. The old animal spent her days out in the open country eating sweet grass. When the cow heard Sylvie's voice calling her, she would hide among the bushes, unwilling to go home.

This evening it had taken Sylvie longer than usual to find her cow. The child hurried the cow through the dark forest, following a narrow path that led to her grandmother's home.

“Hello, little girl,” a young man called out cheerfully. “I've been hunting for birds, but I've lost my way.” The young man explained he was a scientist, who searched for birds. “Do you put them in a cage?” Sylvie asked. “No,” he answered, “I shoot them and deal with them with special chemicals to preserve them.”

“I saw a white heron (苍鹭) not far from here two days ago. It's a very rare bird. Have you seen it, too?” he asked Sylvie. Sylvie's heart began to beat fast. She knew that strange white bird! The young man was staring at Sylvie. “I would give $10 to the person who showed me where the white heron is.”

Sylvie had a plan that she would get the $ 10 for her grandmother and make the young man happy. Her plan was to climb to the top of a tall pine tree to see where the white heron had hidden its nest.

The pine tree seemed to grow taller, the higher that Sylvie climbed. Suddenly a bird with broad white wings flew past Sylvie and landed on a pine branch below her. The white heron sat on its nest in a nearby tree. Sylvie gave a long sigh. She knew the wild bird's secret now. Slowly she began her dangerous trip down the ancient pine tree.

About an hour later Sylvie returned. Both her grandmother and the young man stood up as she came into the kitchen. The splendid moment to speak about her secret had come. But Sylvie was silent. She could not tell the heron's secret and give its life away.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了小女孩Sylvie最终因为她的善良而没有把白苍鹭的栖息地告诉年轻的科学家的故事。

1.Where would Sylvie usually meet the cow every evening? A. In the open country. B. Among the forest. C. On a narrow path. D. In the bushes.

答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据关键句可知,Sylvie是在灌木丛中遇到这头奶牛。故D项符合题意。

【关键句】When the cow heard Sylvie's voice calling her, she would hide among the bushes, unwilling to go home.(第一段最后一句)


2.What was the young scientist's job according to his introduction? A. Collecting birds. B. Raising birds. C. Observing birds. D. Protecting birds.

答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据关键句可推知,这个年轻的科学家的工作可能是收集各种鸟类标本。故A项符合题意。

【关键句】... I shoot them and deal with them with special chemicals to preserve them.(第三段最后一句)

译文:……我射杀它们,并用特殊的化学药剂来处理它们,目的是保存它们。 3.What had Sylvie planned to do about the white bird? A. Make good friends with it. B. Prevent it from being caught. C. Find its nest but keep it secret. D. Find it for money and the man.

答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据关键句可知,因为钱和这个年轻人,Sylvie想找到白苍鹭。故D项符合题意。

【关键句】Sylvie had a plan that she would get the $10 for her grandmother and make the young man happy.(第五段第一句)

译文:Sylvie有了一个计划,她可以为她的祖母挣10美元并且还能使这个年轻人高兴。 4.What saved the white bird's life at last? A. Grandmother's sympathy. B. The white bird's beauty. C. Sylvie's kindness.

D. The young man's generosity.

答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的内容可知,当Sylvie找到白苍鹭的巢的位置,回到家之后,她决定不把这个秘密告诉这个年轻人,因为她不想白苍鹭丢掉性命。由此可推知,Sylvie是一个善良的小女孩。故C项符合题意。

【长难句分析】“I would give $10 to the person who showed me where the white heron is.”(第四段最后一句)

分析:本句是一个复合句。who引导定语从句,修饰先行词the person,在从句中作主语;where引导宾语从句,作动词showed的宾语。



(2017·福建省质量检查) When students read articles about scientific discovery, they learn what worked. Scientists present the methods that got the best result. They often show only the results that are significant and important. What they won't show are the mistakes or failures that came first. Yet sometimes those mistakes pointed the way to success.

It can take a long time and many experiments to achieve scientific success. Robbin, 16, and Annabelle, 15, learned that while working this summer in a biochemistry lab at Stony Brook University in New York. What's more, they learned that failure is not necessarily something to fear.

“I like the idea of scientific research,” says Robbin. It's the basis for “every lesson you learn in school and understanding everything you see in life”. This summer, Robbin has been working with Lauren, a chemistry student, who is making new drugs to fight harmful bacteria. At first, the tests made Robbin anxious. She worried that she might be making costly mistakes. But Lauren reassured her that finding out what doesn't work is“just part of the learning process”. With time, the teen got comfortable with the idea that every experiment wouldn't succeed.

Annabelle also learned a lot about failure and success. She worked with graduate


student Agnieszka Gil. “Sometimes I try something and it takes a while for the experiment to run.” This means that finding out whether Annabelle did something wrong can be a stressful waiting game, because “if you did something wrong you need to do it again”. But she's now learning to be patient and not to expect instant success.

In science, figuring out why something failed is what may just put them on the road to success.

【解题导语】 在阅读科学发现的文章时,人们往往对科学成就过度关心,其实科学成就往往是建立在无数次失败的基础之上的。Robbin和Annabelle在实验室里体会到了坦然接受实验失败的价值。

5.What impresses students most in articles about scientific discovery? A. Scientists' achievements. B. The reasons for success. C. The cause of mistakes.

D. Stressful process of research.

答案与解析:A 考查细节理解。根据第一段的第一句“When students read articles about scientific discovery, they learn what worked”以及第二段的第一句“It can take a long time and many experiments to achieve scientific success”可知,学生在阅读科学发现的文章时,对科学成就的印象最为深刻,故A项正确。

6.What can we learn from the passage? A. Robbin is a graduate student. B. Lauren managed to make new drugs.

C. Annabelle learns the value of patience. D. Agnieszka expected instant success.

答案与解析:C 考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段的最后一句“But she's now learning to be patient and not to expect instant success”可知,Annabelle学会了耐心,不期望立即成功;据此可以判断,Annabelle知道了耐心的价值,故C项正确。

7.What did Robbin and Annabelle have in common in their experiments? A.They did their experiments independently.

B.They realized not all experiments would succeed. C.They assisted graduate students to make new drugs. D.They made severe mistakes in the experiments.

答案与解析:B 考查细节理解。根据第三段的最后一句“With time, the teen got comfortable with the idea that every experiment wouldn't succeed”可知,Robbin坦然接受了并不是每次实验都会成功的事实;根据第四段的最后一句“But she's now learning to be patient and not to expect instant success”可知,Annabelle学会了耐心,不期望立即成功;据此可知,Robbin和Annabelle的共同点是她们都意识到了不是每次实验都会成功,故B项正确。

8.What does the writer intend to tell us? A. The cause of making errors in science. B. The significance of scientific discovery. C. The importance of doing experiments. D. The correct attitudes towards failures.

答案与解析:D 考查目的意图。通读全文可知,本文的主题句是文章最后一句“In science, figuring out why something failed is what may just put them on the road to success”;由此可知,探索科学世界,失败是成功之母;据此可以判断,本文旨在告诉人们对待失败的正确态度,故D项正确。



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