

Ⅰ. 单句填空

? (2018·龙岩二模)The local drama “Huiban” was popular in South China during the __eighteenth/18th__ (eighteen) century.


? (2018·银川一中三模)Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors are produced in Hangzhou City, __the__ provincial capital of Zhejiang Province in East China.


? (2018·龙岩二模)It is the most well-known Chinese opera form,recognized as “Oriental Opera” __with__ a long history of 160 years.

解析:考查介词。句意:它是最著名的中国戏剧形式,被认为是有着160年历史的东方戏剧。表“有多长时间的历史”,应用with a history of. . . 。

? (2017·石家庄考前模拟)Sugar paintings are made of melted brown or white sugar,with which craftsmen can paint __a__ variety of animals and flowers.

解析:考查冠词。设空与空后的variety of构成固定短语,a variety of,意为“各种各样的”。

? (2018·黄冈二模)If we are not aware __of__ these differences,some unusual things might happen.

解析:考查介词。句意:如果我们意识不到这些区别会发生一些不同寻常的事情。be aware of“意识到……”,是固定用法。

? (2018·遂宁二模)On this day,dragons,a prominent totem (图腾) in Chinese culture raise __their__ (they) heads with the sound of thunder.


? (2017·皖北二模)I told him I wanted him to have some memory of the visit,even though he didn’t get to see it __himself__ (he).

解析:考查代词。设空在句中作宾语,且与主语he是同一人,应用反身代词。 ? (2018·北京)—Good morning,Mr. Lee’s office.

—Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment __for__ next Wednesday afternoon. 解析:考查介词。句意:——早上好,Lee先生办公室。——早上好。我想预约下周三


下午(和Mr. Lee见面)。make an appointment for意为“为……预约”,是固定搭配。make an appointment with sb. 和某人预约。

? (2017·太原一模)A mouse,because of __an__ unlucky chance,made close friends with an evil frog. One day, __the__ frog played a trick on the mouse.


10 (2018·唐山三模) ○__As__ a water sport,swimming does less harm to joints (关节) and muscles.


11 (2018·枣庄二模)History suggests that this great structure built by the ○

ancient Chinese over many years as a barrier to protect their land __against__ invaders from the northern borders of the country.

解析:考查介词。protect. . . against. . . “保护……免受……的伤害”。 12 (2017·蚌埠三模)As one volunteer once put __it__ ,“I feel as though I am ○

able to help in the world and use my skills. ”

解析:考查固定用法。as sb. put it“正如某人所说”。

13 (2017·锦州二模)This is a group of people who have been familiar __with__ ○

social media as soon as they came to the world.

解析:考查介词。句意:这群人一出生就熟悉社交媒介。bc familiar with. . . “熟悉……”

14 It is said that one __fifth__ (five) of pupils here go on to study at Peking ○

or Tsing Hua University.

解析:句意:据说这儿有五分之一的学生上北京或清华大学。表达简单分数时,分子应用基数词,分母应用序数词,表“五分之一”,应用one fifth,故设空填fifth。

15 When she retired and went back home in the 1990s,she was already in her ○

__fifties__ (fifty).

解析:句意:当她在20世纪90年代退休回家,她早已50多岁了。“in one’s+基数词的复数形式”表“在某人几十多岁时”。

Ⅱ. 单句改错

? The young man doesn’t have many experience. He probably can’t do that job. __many→much__




? (2018·鄂尔多斯二模)It had a history of over eight hundreds years. __hundreds→hundred__


? Between 1995 and 2000,two third of the island’s population was forced to flee to other countries. __third→thirds__

解析:当分数的分母大于一时,分母要用复数形式。two thirds“三分之二”。 ? (2018·广西考前模拟)Though she left with the money,she returned later with wine,chocolates and some others treats to say thanks. __others→other__


? (2018·皖南八校三模)I have become a well-known figure out in our city. __去掉out__

解析:该处指一个有名的人物,figure用作名词。figure out“弄清楚”,是固定的动词短语。

? The moment the plane took off,it felt so nervous that I was afraid to look out the window. __it→I;out后加of__

解析:该处指我紧张得不敢往窗外看。故代词it改为I。look out of“朝……外面看”。


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