

考试时间:100分钟 卷面总分:140分 考试形式:闭卷

第I卷 ( 选择题, 共80分)



1. Where did Betty go yesterday afternoon?

A. B. C.

2. What does the boy want to eat?

A. B. C.

3. What did Sandy win an award for ?

A. B. C.

4.What does Tom need?

A. B. C.

5. When did the woman and Anna meet?

A. At 8:02.

B. At 8:00.

C. At 7:58.

C. Join an English club.

6.What does Miss Brown tell Jack to do ?

A. Worry about English

B. Practice reading.

7. Why do they want to open the window?

A. Because it’s too hot.

C. Because the air isn’t fresh.

8. How many emperors lived in the Forbidden City before?


B. Because it’s too dark.

A. Twelve.

B. Twenty. C. Twenty-four.

9. What does Julia need to find for her hiking trip?

A. A map.

B. Food.

C. A mobile phone.

C. 5 minutes’ ride.

10. How far is the park?

A.15 minutes’ walk.

B. 10 minutes’ drive.

B. 听下面一段对话和两篇短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话和短文读两遍。 听一段对话,回答第11至12题。 11. What did Linda suggest doing?

A. Going to the cinema. B. Going to the beach. 12. Who will probably go shopping?

A. Linda and the boy. B. The boy’s mother. 听第一篇短文,回答第13至15题。

My brother Paul’s trip Where he is His job In (13)____________ A(n) (14)___________

C. Nobody.

C. Going shopping.

Where he plans to go To visit Darwin first, and then go to Perth

next by(15)_________ 13.

Australia 15. A. train

B. Canada

C. Germany

C. engineer

C. ship

14. A. writer

B. teacher B. plane



16. In which hospital can you see the new doctor?

A. In London.

B. Near London.

C. Far away from London.

17. Which of he following is Right?

A. He can speak as humans. C. He can work the whole day. 18. How tall is it?

A.1 meter tall. A. Medicine. patients.

20. How can a Dr. Robot help human doctors?

A. A computer engineer tells him what to do. B. A human doctor tells him what to do. C. A computer tells him what to do.



B. He graduated from a medical school.

B. 1.65 meters tall B. Rest.

C. 1.70 meters tall. C.



19. What can a human doctor get with Dr. Robot’s help?


21. —What do you think of __________ idea of taking part in ‘Earth Hour’?

—Wonderful! I’ve never heard of __________ one! We can reduce pollution in this way.

A. an; the better B. the; a better C. an; a better D. the; the best

22. —Cindy, could you walk a little bit fast? —But how can I? I _________a heavy bag.

A. carry B. carries C. am carrying D. carried

23.You don’t know ________ I want to see you again. It’s years since I saw you last time.

A. how soon B. how long C. how often D. how much 24. —I’m a little hungry, Mum.

—There are some cakes on the plate. You can take _______.

A. it B. one C. that D. this 25.—Excuse me, will the plane for Beijing within an hour? —I’m not sure. You can go to the Information Desk for help.

A. get off B. take off C. turn off D. show off 26.—Do you know the meaning of the new word? It puzzles me a lot. —I’ve no idea. But I think you can look it up in a .

A. stationery B. magazine C. dictionary D. documentary 27. —Peter is ill in hospital.

—I’m not _________to hear that. I’ve been telling him not to work so late every day! A. sorry B. surprised C. glad D. excited 28.The guide’s last words______us that we should bring raincoats or umbrellas. A. recommended B. remembered C. replied D. reminded 29.— When did your uncle arrive in China?

— He got to Guangzhou the morning of the 16th of April. A. in B. at C. on D. for 30. —I don’t know ___________or not.

—Neither do I. You may ask his teacher.

A. whether he is at school B. he is at school

C. that he is at school D. when he is at school 31. —What can I do for you? —__________________.

A. It’s very nice of you B.I can do it by myself C.Yes, I’d love to D.I’m looking for a present 32. —Where are you going to stay when you get to Shanghai?

—I may live _________in a hotel ________in a friend’s house. It doesn’t matter. A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor D. not only; but also

33. —When shall we go on our school trip? —__________.

A. Not until next week B. Till next week C. For next week D. Nearly a week 34.—What can I do for you?

—Can you give me __________ to read? __________ is OK.

A. something; Everything B. anything; Something C. anything; Anything D. something; Anything

35. —It’s said that a number of children in those countries don’t have enough food. —________. I think people all over the world should help them. A. You’re joking B. I don’t think so

C. It sounds like fun D. That’s true 三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)

In a school some trouble was caused by the students, who were naughty(调皮的)and didn’t


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