教案unit1 People around us

Teaching Plan

Title: People around us

Lesson type: Writing and Speaking Length: 45min

Period: The 5th period

Teaching objectives:By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

1.write a short article about a person you love. 2.use the proper phrases they have learnt and put simple sentence into complex ones with linking words, such as although, but, and ,also Important points:(1)Describe a person’s

character, looking, hobby, specialty etc. with suitable phrases and words that Ss have learnt in this unit. Eg. make fun of ,be good at, smart, thin, be full fun of etc.

(2)Use the linking words to make article more fluency

Difficult points:(1)The usage of the linking words : with, but ,and etc

(2)The master of the structure of an

article according to different aspects

Teaching methods: Task-based Language Teaching Teaching aids: PPT, blackboard, chalk, sheets Teaching procedure: Step 1. Pre-task

a. Warming Up (5min)

Ss read the passage about people in the reading(Page3) they have learnt before and find out some useful words and phrases, which describe a person. And then T lets Ss share what they find out. T shows the phrases on the PPT. Eg. Short, with grey hair, cheerful, take care of, kind, patient, with glasses, make fun of , tall, be good at, smart, thin, be full fun of etc.

(复习并熟悉已学知识,为写作定基础) b. Ask and answer(5min)

T shows some questions on the PPT and lets Ss use the words and phrases which are on the blackboard to answer the questions.

T : You all have your favorite person. They may be your parents, your grandparents, brothers ,or classmates and so on. How much do

you know about them? Now please talk with your partner and talk about the person you love.

Question :Who is the person you love? What does he/she look like? What is he/she good at? What’s his/her job?

What do you think of him/her? Why do you love him/her?

T asks a student to answer this questions. (通过这些问题,让学生初步了解可以从哪几方面入手描写一个人) c.Conclude:

Teacher instructs Ss to conclude: What can we write about a person?

(1)appearance (2)character (3)hobby


(5) job , age

(总结并对作文有个大致构想) Step 2. While-task

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