
2.In respect of the problem,we don’t have to draw conclusion. 3.A special nurse attended on his needs constantly.

4.The frightened thief hid himself in the dark corner of the yard,quiet and cold,stared at the open door.

5.It doesn’t make a sense for parents to give children whatever they want. 6.Only if a teacher gives permission a student allowed to enter the room. 7.Your article is well written apart a few spelling mistakes.

8.The plan was put forward at yesterday’s meeting, in my opinion, was quite practical. 9.That day Tom lost control himself and hit Jack,but later Tom made an apology.

10.Tom suggested that we would not hold such a meeting,but Jenny insisted that it was of great importance.


1.The soup consists tomatoes,meat and peas,doesn’t it? 2.She thrilled with terror when she saw the scene of the murder. 3.It is strange that he knows so much about me.

4.What he wrote doesn’t consistent with what he told us. 5.The old man has been fired and now a young man takes place. 6.There has no need for them to work the whole day. 7.They don’t need have to work the whole day.

8.Not only does he speak English and but also he speaks French. 9.It is the first time that Tom has gone to China.

10.When first was introduced to the market,these products enjoyed great success.


1.His first speech as president made a strong impression of his audience. 2.I don’t like this radio play. Let’s switch on to another programme.

3.He guided us through the narrow streets to the central mosque, we learned a lot.

4.For miles around us there was nothing but an ice desert without a single plant or tree in the sight.

5.His mother was seriously ill and a doctor called in.

6.The students’ spare time should be taken advantage to study. 7.Worrying about her daughter the mother came to see her yesterday.


8.The first textbook was written for teaching English came out in the 16th century.

9.When there is enough food in the world for everybody,not everybody can afford to buy it. 10.I sat until after eleven, being absorbed in a book.


1.My brother acquired for a knowledge of computers by careful study. 2.You can depend on that he will come to your help when needed.

3.The boss has been told several times that the workers are demanding on better pay. 4.Don’t be angry with him. He made the mistake by an accident.

5.All of you supposed to finish your homework before you go out to play football. 6.His whole mind concentrated on one thing—how to pass the English exam. 7.My father told me that he didn’t approve my leaving school this year. 8.Only with hard work you expect to get a pay rise.

9.I can think of many cases that the media have a strong effect on young men. 10.—He made an apology so as not to be blamed what he had done. —It’s really wise of him.


1.He had previously aided him money and legal advice. 2.What I have said applies only some of you.

3.Don’t take anything away. Father likes everything to be in the place. 4.Tom honored for his bravery after what he had done for others the other day. 5.I don’t know what to do,because a number of problems have been arisen. 6.Though I told him over and over again to be careful when driven, he wouldn’t listen. 7.Thanks to your aid,I tried to run the company.

8.Tom had been working a couple of weeks while he received a letter from his girlfriend, Mary. 9.—So you have met Maria?

—Yes,it was last week that we attended Jack’s party.

10.Much damage has done to the car;you’d better get it repaired.


1.Some fortune tellers say that they can predict about future events.

2.You can’t legally take the possession of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed.


3.It was typical for her to forget.

4.The magazine is intended to appeal working women in their 20s and 30s. 5.What coincidence!I didn’t expect to see you here. 6.I’ve never seen the famous scholar in flesh.

7.The pickpocket broke away the policeman who was holding him. 8.The popular book deals about a permanently new subject:love. 9.John said he’d been working in the office for an hour,it was true.

10.The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday,but he didn’t help.


1.Is there anything for particular in today’s newspaper? 2.Colors like red convey about a sense of energy and strength. 3.They were anxiously awaiting for the result of the exam.

4.The truck was loaded with goods, which your brother used to drive, broke down on the way. 5.Mr. Smith prefers going out for a walk after supper to stay at home. 6.Who would you rather have to go there with you? 7.The pop singer is popular to the young. 8.I’ll give you three sweets with an apple. 9.He made clear that he didn’t want to talk about it.

10.You have no idea how she finished the relay race for her foot wounded so much.


1.I ashamed of having lied to my teacher that day.

2.I think the company places too many stress on cost and not enough on quality. 3.He felt they had been abused his trust by talking about him to the press. 4.He has accustomed to the life in the mountains since his childhood. 5.He saved my life at risk of losing his own. 6.He has addicted to drugs for several years.

7.We’ve been looking at houses but haven’t found it we like yet.

8.I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than it in the city. 9.My sister,an inexperienced rider,was found sitting on the bicycle tried to balance it. 10.Although many measures have taken,the world’s economy is still going down.



1.Large quantities of air conditioners have sold since the temperature is high.

2.A big fire broke out last night;as the consequence,the house was completely destroyed. 3.If she could put up the conditions there,we could take her. 4.Quantities of food was on the table.

5.Your support will certainly make difference in our cause.

6.You have made a few mistakes,but as the whole you have done well. 7.Comparing with many other women,she was indeed very fortunate.

8.A number of new machines were introduced from abroad, resulted in an increase in production.

9.—Rose lost her job again.

—Don’t worry. There is a plenty of work for girls of her age. 10.—Do you know Anna’s telephone number?

—I’m afraid no. As a matter of fact,I don’t know any Anna,either.


1.The mother was standing at the gate,anxiously to see her son. 2.Lincoln had shot while watching a play in the Ford’s Theatre. 3.They have been appointed a new head teacher at the school already. 4.With all the houses being burnt to the ground,they had no place to live in. 5.Be sure to make effort to save the hero’s life. 6.Have you bored with the same busy life day after day?

7.The snow being so thick,how did you make way to the top of the hill? 8.I was about to leave while the telephone rang.

9.I had intended to have gone to Beijing during my holiday,but an unexpected guest came. 10.Not completed the project,they have to stay there for another two weeks.


1.I was out of the breath after running 1,600 metres.

2.The book has some weak spots,but all of all I consider it a success. 3.It was a good concert—I enjoyed the last song particular.

4.The district has been taken on a fresh look since the new roads were built.

5.Your performance in the exam did not reach the required standard;in the other words,you


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