


Unit 4 Period 6


1.对 …有好处________________________2.太多的作业____________________________ 3.为一天做好准备_____________________ 4.画画得好________________________________ 5.帮我学习英语_______________________ 6.不喜欢打篮球___________________________ 7.我最喜欢的课程_____________________ 8.学习许多电脑知识______________________ 二、根据句意和首字母提示完成下列句子。 1.This is a map of the____________(世界).

2.Can you tell me the____________(理由;原因) why you didn’t do your homework yesterday. 3. Why do you ___________(不喜欢) the dog so much?

4. At first I found English difficult(难)to___________ (学). 5. My brother is good at d pictures.

6. We are getting r for tomorrow’s party. 7. He s goes skating, so he isn’t good at it.

8. Jim is very busy, he doesn’t have too m_______ time to watch TV. 三、根据汉语提示完成下列各句。 1.早操对我们有益。

________________________________________________________________ 2.老师们很好,课程很有趣。

________________________________________________________________ 3.我喜欢读书,因为我可以更多地了解世界。

________________________________________________________________ 4. Amy是阅读俱乐部的一员。

________________________________________________________________ 5. 我不知道如何为比赛做好准备。

________________________________________________________________ 四、书面表达。


提示:1.在第四中学上学,学校很大,很漂亮,在学校上学很开心; 2.学校有一个图书馆,有四个阅览室,五个电脑房; 3.操场在教室的前面,可以在那儿打篮球; 4.教室的后面有一个湖,不大但很漂亮; 5.老师对学生很友好,学生很喜欢他们;

6.我家离学校很近,我经常步行上学,到学校花费我十分钟时间。 Dear Wang Chao,


Best wishes!





Unit 4 Period 6参考答案


1.be good for 2.too much homework

3.get ready for the day 4.draw (the picture) very well 5.help me with my English 6.don’t like playing basketball 7.my favourite subject 8.learn much (knowledge) about the



1.world 2.reason 3.dislike 4.learn 5.drawing 6.ready 7.seldom 8.much 三、翻译句子

1. Morning exercises are good for us. 2. Teachers are nice and lessons are interesting.

3. I like reading, because I can learn more about the world. 4. Amy is a member of the Reading Club.

5. I don’t know how to get ready for the match. 四、书面表达 Dear Wang Chao,

I study at No.4 Middle School now. Our school is very big. It is very beautiful. We all have a good time at school. There is a library in our school. There are four reading rooms in our school too. There is a playground in front of the classrooms. We can play basketball there. There is a lake behind the classrooms. It is not big but it is very nice. Our teachers are very kind to us. We like them very much. I don’t live far away from our school. So I often go to school on foot. It takes me ten minutes to get to school.

Best wishes!



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