
个人收集整理 仅供参考学习

Morphological study: focal contacts formation

For quantification of vinculin positive contacts areas, we used the freeware image analysis ImageJ (NIH, We opened the raw image,b5E2RGbCAP converted it to an 8-bit file, and used the unsharp mask feature (settings 1:0.2)p1EanqFDPw before removing the image background (rolling ball radius 10). After smoothing, theDXDiTa9E3d resulting image, which appears similar to the original photomicrograph but withRTCrpUDGiT minimal background, was then converted to a binary image by setting a threshold.5PCzVD7HxA Threshold values were determined empirically by selecting a setting, which gave the most accurate binary image for a subset of randomly selected photomicrographsjLBHrnAILg with varying peptides densities. The cell area was determined by manual delineationxHAQX74J0X on raw fluorescent images, total contact area and mean contact area per cellLDAYtRyKfE were calculated by ‘‘analyseparticules’’ in Image J, contacts smaller than 3 pixelsZzz6ZB2Ltk were not taken into account.

首先用工具栏里地直线工具,沿SEM、TEM地标尺(bar)拉出一条等长地直线,在菜单栏里找到measure点击,得到标尺对应地长度数据(弹出地数据栏);接着用同样地步骤测量你地particles;最后导出你地数据,放到excel、origin里处理就行了~dvzfvkwMI1 测量地值是相对值,要利用bar地相对值和实际值进行换算~乘下除下就行了~

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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习

首先要在measur里面选择spatial calibration,将这里面标尺与自己图片里面地标尺对应,最后选择measurements,features里面选择直线.自己在图片里面画线,用长度除以晶粒数就ok了rqyn14ZNXI

不知道这个是不是你想要地.可以用line profile测量尺寸,但是你要知道imageJ是根据光地强弱来测量地,不一定准,如果你地图片使用AFM做地,可以直接用AFM地软件处理





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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习


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