
dynamically judged, the post-war award in recognition of a series of measures Members always fighting in the first line of traffic management, all traffic police has always maintained a high state of mind, a strong impetus to the work carried out.

Shortcomings: first, there is a \hard and soft\phenomenon. Of work of Party building under the new situation is not enough emphasis, focus on light business building, re form light effects. The second is measures are not enough effective. In particular, catch a party to build working innovation consciousness is not strong, measures and methods used in the experience of the old, old practices and effectiveness needs to be further strengthened. The third is three lesson \very good insist, life of the party organization to carry out less often.

Zhao police station Party branch

Good practice: one is to strengthen the study and education. To \take leadership lectures, seminars, individual learning, exchange of experience in various forms, the police

organization learning leaders at all levels of the spirit of the important speech, < > in the constitution as well as the side of corruption cases and asked party members and the police carefully recorded study notes, writing experiences, join and pay attention to the micro lectures, according to the control requirements of inspection, enhance their own, to ensure that the learning effect. The second is to strengthen the leadership responsibility. Party branch secretary as the first responsibility of honest government, earnestly implement the\four person \Department Department, major issues personally intervene, personally key aspects of coordination, supervision of important cases personally \Party branch members always strict demands on themselves, play an exemplary role model. Third, strengthen the service for the people. Every act of the masses for the warm reception, carefully recorded masses anti reflect each a problem, and make the resistancee bureau Party committeeHeart to answer, and constantly improve the quality of service. Combined with the \police organization carefully touch row all may affect the stability of the unstable factors, resolve conflicts and disputes, and arrange for the police with daily visits, issued

security leaflets, collecting sites, personnel information, promote the harmony police.

Existing problems: a party branch team party affairs knowledge is not rich enough, on some of the procedural provisions are not familiar with, in a certain extent restricted the work carried out. The second is regular ideological education is not deep enough, the ideological trends of the police command is not timely and accurate. Third, there is a need to improve the management level of refinement, police standardization awareness is not strong enough, daily habit is not quite self-conscious.

Since this year, bureau unit Party branch to \real special education as the main line, to the service center, troop construction as the focus, adhere to the combination of ideological building of the party and the system of the party, solid to carry out the comprehensive strictly required, to further standardize the construction of the party organization, continuously improving the quality of Party members and police, continue to strengthen the party building innovation, service building execution significantly improved, has made remarkable


Meeting debriefing of 3 units in the work of Party building problems in other units are also different degrees of existence to other units by the party building debriefing, draw on the experience of face the problem, replicability, careful analysis of rectification, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of Party building units.

Below, to further strengthen the county public security organs party building work stressed the views of five points.

One, improve the ideological understanding, enhance the sense of political responsibility and historical mission

Follow the basic construction of the party's eighteen years, Xi Jinping, general secretary: the series of important speech to the party put forward many new ideas, new judgment, the new requirements is to promote grass-roots party building work. We should thoroughly study and understand, and consciously assume responsibility. One is to grasp the party building \questions\

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