



(总分:120分 时间:120分钟)

Ⅰ. 听力测试部分(三节,共25分) 第一节(每小题1分,共4分)


( )1. A. It is made of silk. B. It is fashionable. C. It costs 353 yuan. ( )2. A. That’s good. B. That’s a shame. C. I’m sorry to hear that. ( )3. A. It looks beautiful. B. I feel sleepy. C. It is important. ( )4. A. It is not allowed. B. Once a month. C. My hair is long. ( )5. A. Last Monday. B. In three days. C. Three years. 第二节(每小题1分,共8分)


( )6. Where is Lucy now?

A. Probably in the park. B. Probably in the hospital. C. Probably at school.

( )7. How many students are not at class?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. ( )8. What did Tom do last night?

A. He went shopping late. B. He worked late. C. He had a good rest. ( )9. What season may it be now?

A. Winter. B. Spring. C. Summer. ( )10. What does the sign really mean?

A. We should walk slowly to school.

B. It asks us to be slow when we enter the school C. It means school is just around the corner. ( )11. Where did the dialogue happen?

A. In a bookshop. B. In the classroom. C. In the library. ( )12. How do fish drink water?

A. They don’t drink water. B. It depends on where they live. C. They drink just like humans. 第三节(每小题1分,共13分)



( )13. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Brother and sister. ( )14. What’s wrong with Tom?

A. He has a fever. B. He can’t eat anything. C. He watches TV too much.


( )15. What would Tom like to have?

A. Some chicken soup. B. Some pear juice. C. Nothing. 听第14段材料,回答第15至第17题。

( )16. When will the man smoke more than one pack a day?

A. When he feels bored. B. When he has wine. C. When he feels sad. ( )17. Who died of lung cancer?

A. The man’s friend. B. The man’s father. C. The woman’s father. ( )18. What will the man do?

A. He may stop smoking. B. He may smoke two packs a day. C. He may smoke less than one pack. 听第15段材料,回答第18至第21题。

( )19. What does the woman think of the school?

A. She isn’t used to school life till now.

B. She thinks there are too many rules in the school. C. She thinks the school is not too bad.

( )20. Which rule in the school can keep us safe?

A. The students are not allowed to go outside during school hours. B. The students have to go home as soon as school is over. C. The students are not allowed to play basketball at school.

( )21. Why doesn’t the woman like to leave school before it closes at five?

A. Because she wants to play basketball after school.

B. Because she wants to spend more time discussing with her classmates. C. Because she wants to wait her parents to take her home. ( )22. What will the woman probably do?

A. She will go out with the man for dinner.

B. She will give her headmaster some advice about school rules. C. She will go home with the man to take her homework. 听第16段材料,回答第22至第25题。 ( )23. Which is true about the cat?

A. It was very old but ran quickly.

B. It couldn’t catch the mouse any more. C. It couldn’t bite the mouse.

( )24. How did the old woman treat the cat?

A. She started to hit the old cat. B. She wanted to kill the cat. C. She treated the cat still very well though the cat couldn’t work for her. ( )25. What did the cat really mean by its words?

A. The cat could work for the woman.

B. The old still played an important role in the family.

C. We should be gratitude to the old who have worked for you.


Ⅱ. 选择填空(每小题1分,共15分)

从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 ( )26. —He went to be a volunteer last summer.



A. So was I B. So did I C. So am I D. So do I ( )27. —She didn’t go out with her friends last weekend.

— ________.

A. Neither did I B. Neither was I C. Neither do I D. Neither am I ( )28. —Our teacher are all hard-working.

—Quite right. They are not only strict ______ their work, but also ______ their students. A. in; at B. to; with C. in; with D. for; with ( )29. —Do you know the little kid there?

—Yes, of course. He knows much English, but he’s only a ________ boy. A. four-years-old B. four-years-olds C. four-year-old D. four-year-olds ( )30. —Jenny got her driver’s license yesterday.

—I think teenagers ________ drive. They are not calm enough. A. should allow to B. should be allowed not to C. should be allowed to D. shouldn’t be allowed to ( )31. —What do your parents think of your earrings?

—They said that I shouldn’t get my ears ________. I will stop ________ these earrings. A. pierced; wearing B. pierce; wear C. to pierce; to wear D. piercing; worn ( )32. —It’s too difficult to become a professional player.

—I agree with you. We should be ________.

A. real B. true C. right D. realistic ( )33. —Playing computer games is to waste time. It will ________ of your study.

—I’m sorry. I won’t.

A. get in the way B. go in the way C. get on the way D. go on the way ( )34. —What do you think of this hall?

—It’s great. It’s ________ to hold ________.

A. enough big; enough people B. enough big; people enough C. big enough; enough people D. big enough; people enough ( )35. —Work hard and you will ________ one day.

—You are right. Working hard leads to ________.

A. success; succeed B. succeed; success C. success; successful D. succeed; successfully ( )36. —Mom, I failed my math exam again.

—Dear, I think you should concentrate ________ your study.

A. at B. about C. on D. for ( )37. —You look ________ today.

—Yes, we haven’t had a day ________ for a month.

A. sleepy; in B. tired; on C. sleepy; off D. asleep; off ( )38. —Have you heard ________ Peter recently?

—Yes, and I ________ his letter last Sunday.

A. of; replied B. from; replied C. from; replied from D. from; replied to ( )39. —Hainan is really beautiful.

—So it is. Why not stay here for ________ two days?

A. more B. another C. other D. others ( )40. —The boss is very kind and he always ________ his workers.


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