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e K H

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二、英汉互译 。(5分)

1.fish and chips__________ 2.Don’t worry___________ 3.at all _______________ 4.借书证_______________ 5.have a rest_____________


( )1、children she ( )2、or morning ( )3、who what ( )4、 how about ( )5. bike big 四、圈出不同类单词(10分)

1、wrote told take 2、theatre building factory 3、Monday Tuesday June 4、dancer library actor 5、television radio card 6 、went speak gave 五、单项选择。(10分)

( ) 1.What will you do tomorrow ? B: I’ll

A. Write a book B. studied Chinese C. borrowed some books ( ) 2.Twenty years ago, Mr. Li a student. Now he a teacher.

A. were, are B. was, is C. were, is ( ) 3. Let’s _____ a cake for her.

A. make B. made C.makes

( ) 4. ____ forget to bring some CDs of Chinese songs.

A. Didn’t B. Don’t C.Aren’t ( ) 5. ---________is she wearing these clothes ?

---Because she is a dancer. A. What B. Why C. How ( ) 6. She had sandwiches______ breakfast

A. for B. on C. in ( ) 7. He ______ English many years ago.

A. learn B. learnt C. learning

( ) 8. ______ can you find books about the animals ?

A. Where B. What C. Which ( ) 9.--- We can English. A. speak B. told C. tell

( ) 10、“龙” is a _______ word.

A. Chinese B. English C. American


六、 选出相对应的答语(5分)

( )1.What about chopsticks? A、I’m from China. ( )2、What kind of clothes do you like? B、No, you can’t. ( )3、Where are you from? C、That’s a good idea. ( )4、Can I go with you? .D、Yes, he has. ( )5、Has he a dragon kite? E、like T-shirt 七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1、We ______(live) in a big house now. 2、She ______(cook) on a fire then. 3、What did she ________(have) for dinner ? 4、This blue bag _______(have got) two pockets. 5、Look! The children _______ (play) under the tree. 八、根据问句选择合适的答语。(5分)

( )1、What did you do last Monday ? A. I’m going to make a cake. ( )2、What does your mother do ? B. No, I won’t. ( )3、What time does your father go to work ? C. I watched TV.

( )4、Will you play football tomorrow ? D. He goes to work at eight. ( )5、What are you going to do tomorrow ? E. She is a doctor. 九、根据提示,仿照例句看图写句子。(注意单词形式的变化)(10分) 【例】She / eat a hamburger / yesterday. She ate a hamburger yesterday.

1、the men / wear women’s clothes / yesterday (.)

2、we / go to the park /last week (.)

3、I / buy a new dress / yesterday (.)

4、we / listen to music / last night (.)

5、she / meet me / yesterday (.)

十、阅读理解。根据短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 I went to Chengdu three years ago. It is in Sichuan Province (省).It is the capital of Sichuan. It is in the west of China. The famous Chinese pandas live in Sichuan. I took some pictures for them . I climbed the mountains with my parents. We had a lovely time.

( )1. I went to Chengdu five years ago . ( )2. Chengdu is in Shandong Province. ( )3. Chengdu is in the west of China. ( )4. Pandas live in Sichuan .

( )5. I swam and climbed the mountains in Chengdu .



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