

Unit 5 Theme parks

Section Ⅱ Warming Up & Reading—Language Points


1.Three years ago,a society was set up to_preserve (preserve) the endangered animal and plant life from dying out in this area.

2.This kind of friendly and harmonious atmosphere is unique to our company, and you can't experience it in any other place.

3.A number of graduates prefer to work in big cities,where there are lots of attractions (attract),like convenient transportation,more opportunities and a better environment.

4.We are planning a trip to Yuntai Mountain in Henan province, which is famous for its beautiful natural scenery.

5.This field measures fifty metres in length (long),which is twice the size of another one next to it.

6.As many as five courses are provided,and you are free to choose whichever suits you best.

7.Some people have naturally beautiful voices,while others have rich facial expressions.

8.If things don't get better,more than one person is (be) going to have to find a new job.

9.My friend,Jack sat on his bed,swinging (swing) his legs lightly.

10.You know,deeds (deed) are much better than words when people are in need of help.


I am a volunteer at Seattle Children's Hospital, the most friendly and comfortable place around for those who are recovering, sick, or dying between the ages of 0 to 18. My first day one-on-one with a patient arrived after hours of training and preparation. I shook slightly as the doctor handed me a small white piece of paper with patient information, telling me only about the name, age, and room number. The elevator ride to the floor seemed totally too fast. I walked through the long halls until I reached a door with the room number that matched (匹配) the one on my paper. I read the sign on the door: SCCA-Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.

I entered my patient's room, and was greeted by a tired mother in great need of a break. And this sweet, excited little 6-year-old girl, who's smiling and showing willingness to play made me completely ignore her bald (秃) little head. My newfound friend was quite possibly the most normal 6-year-old girl I had ever met.

Time flew by, and it was easy to notice that we greatly enjoyed each other's being around. But, towards the end of my stay, she asked me if she could play with my hair. As I readily agreed, it hit me that she was not a common little girl. She was bald because of cancer, so she wondered what it was like to play with my hair. As she repeatedly tried to perfect the braids (辫子) in my hair, I realized that the warmth pouring from her heart could not be ignored. I felt proud that I could play a part in the lives of those lovable little children.

During the months that I spent in working one-on-one with the patients at Seattle Children's Hospital, I never met one who was unhappy to see me. They liked to play with me, sometimes putting the room in a mess. In fact, it has come to be that these children, the “little disasters,” brighten my day more than anyone 推荐精品K12资料


else ever could.

【文章大意】 作者的志愿工作让她领悟到了志愿工作的重要性,即:志愿者在带给他人快乐的同时也被他人感染和激励。

1.How did the writer most probably feel before entering the patient's room? A.Bored. B.Nervous. C.Cheerful. D.Confident.

解析:B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的I shook slightly as the doctor handed me a little white piece of paper with patient information...及综合第一段的内容可知,作者在进入病房以前很紧张。

2.Why did the little girl want to play with the writer's hair? A.She was very bored in the hospital. B.She was very good at making braids. C.She wanted the writer to remember her.

D.She was curious about hair because she was bald.

解析:D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的She was bald because of cancer, so she wondered what it was like to play with my hair.可知,因为小女孩自己没有头发,所以她很好奇玩头发是什么感觉的。

3.The writer called these children little disasters because ________. A.they were very naughty B.they made her feel unhappy

C.they would die of cancer one day

D.they couldn't get along well with each other 解析:A 细节理解题。根据第四段中的They liked to play with me, sometimes putting the room in a mess.可知,因为这些小孩在和作者玩耍时会把房间弄乱,所以他们应该很淘气。


Whether it's Freshers' Week or exams week, a university nightline service can be a lifesaver. Nightlines are student listening services that open in the small hours (凌晨时分), __1__ student volunteers to run the service.

As a former volunteer for Voice, the University of Exeter's student nightline, I __2__ first-hand how rewarding-and challenging-the __3__ can be.

Generally I'd arrive just before 8 pm, __4__ for the 12-hour shift (值班) ahead. There were __5__ two or three volunteers a night, depending on whether it was a __6__ time of the year, such as the exam period. At around 11 or 12 pm, we'd climb into beds, __7__ with one person next to the __8__. The ringtone was loud so there was never any __9__ about sleeping through.

The __10__ of callers varied every night. Sometimes no one would __11__, and on other nights the phone would ring minutes after I stepped through the door.

Some calls left me feeling __12__. There was an unhappy caller at three in the morning, __13__ the call lasted almost two hours. But it always feels good to know a(n) __14__ is really making a difference to someone.

The majority of calls I answered were from __15__ who were either homesick or just wanting reassurance (安慰) walking home alone.

Since nightlines rely on their secrecy, __16__ must remain anonymous (匿名的), __17__ as few friends as possible about their role. As such, it can sometimes feel like __18__ work. But Tessa, 19, who has done night shifts totalling 250 hours 推荐精品K12资料


for Exeter's Voice nightline, best sums up why we do it: “When callers __19__ the conversation saying they feel a little __20__, it makes all the waking up in the middle of the night and the missing out on social plans with friends seem worthwhile.”


【文章大意】 本文是记叙文。作者曾是一名大学生夜间热线的志愿者,在此期间帮助过很多同龄人。虽然做这份工作并不轻松,但志愿者们收获的却是心灵的富足。

1.A.helping B.encouraging C.relying on D.learning from 解析:C 根据作者在下文介绍自己的经历可知,大学生夜间热线“依靠(relying on)”学生志愿者提供服务。

2.A.know B.value C.hear D.decide

解析:A 根据该句中的As a former volunteer可知作者“知道”志愿者这个“角色”是多么令人受益,又是多少富有挑战性。

3.A.mind B.role C.test D.show

解析:B 根据该句中的As a former volunteer可知,作为曾经的一名志愿者,作者的亲身经历让他“知道(know)”志愿者这个“角色(role)”是多么令人受益,又是多么富有挑战性。

4.A.free B.sorry C.thankful D.ready

解析:D 根据下文介绍作者的值班情况可知,作者一般会在晚上8点前就位,“准备好(ready)”接下来的值班工作。

5.A.firstly B.usually C.exactly D.nearly

解析:B 根据下文中的depending on可知,这里介绍“通常(usually)”的情况。 6.A.spare B.boring C.busy D.pleasant

解析:C 根据下文中的the exam period可知,考试季是一年里比较“忙(busy)”的时间。

7.A.still B.even C.already D.always

解析:D 此处介绍的是值班情况,指“经常”。 8.A.phone B.bed C.door D.computer

解析:A 既然是夜间热线服务,因此值班时“总(always)”有一个人睡在“电话(phone)”旁,方便接听电话。

9.A.care B.worry C.regret D.surprise

解析:B 根据该句中的The ringtone was loud可知,由于电话铃声很响,所以志愿者们从来不用“担心(worry)”睡得太熟而错过来电。

10.A.time B.type C.topic D.number 解析:D 根据下一句Sometimes no one...the door可知,每晚的来电“数量(number)”都不一样。

11.A.listen B.come C.call D.stay

解析:C 根据上文中的callers可知,这里指没有人“打来电话(call)”。 12.A.tired B.scared C.hurt D.lost 推荐精品K12资料


解析:A 根据下一句中的the call lasted almost two hours可知,有些来电让作者感觉十分“疲惫(tired)。”

13.A.since B.while C.and D.but

解析:C “一位难过的求助者凌晨三点打来电话”和“这通电话持续了将近两个小时”之间是并列关系,故填and。

14.A.story B.message

C.adventure D.conversation 解析:D 根据全篇介绍夜间服务热线的语境可知,这里指一次“对话(conversation)”能真正对他人有用让人感觉很好。

15.A.foreigners B.students C.tourists D.passengers

解析:B 根据首段中的Nightlines are student listening services可知,大学生夜间热线的服务对象是“学生(students)”。

16.A.volunteers B.teachers C.speakers D.reporters 解析:A 该句末尾的their role提示了该空,指“志愿者(volunteers)”必须保持匿名。

17.A.persuading B.supporting C.trusting D.telling 解析:D 根据该空前的remain anonymous可知,志愿者尽可能不要“告诉(telling)”身边的朋友自己在做什么工作。

18.A.difficult B.dangerous C.thankless D.improper

解析:C 因为志愿者要保持匿名,因此有时他们会觉得这是个“没人感激的(thankless)”工作。

19.A.hold B.end C.control D.change

解析:B 此处指来电者“结束”谈话时说他们感觉“好些了”。 20.A.better B.safer C.luckier D.stronger 解析:A 当来电者在“结束(end)”谈话时说他们感觉“好些了(better)”时,所有那些半夜被铃声叫醒接电话和错过与好友聚会的值班夜晚都似乎因此而变得很值得。

Ⅳ.短文改错 Last weekend, we watched an excited basketball match in our school. It is between Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. During a match, the players from all teams played very hard. Grade 2 was a stronger team. However, for our surprise, Grade 1 won at last. The player jumped and hugged to celebrate their success. Just then, the players from the other team that approached and said “Congratulations!” to them. They wore smiles on faces and you couldn't tell from their expressions that they lost the match. We were touching by the scene and felt what important a role sport plays in daily life.


Last weekend, we watched an excited basketball match in our school. It is



between Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. During a match, the players from all teams



played very hard. Grade 2 was a stronger team. However, for our surprise, Grade 1


won at last. The player jumped and hugged to celebrate their success. Just then,




the players from the other team that approached and said “Congratulations!” to them. They wore smiles on ∧ faces and you couldn't tell from their expressions theirthat they lost the match. We were touching by the scene and felt what important touchedhowa role sport plays in daily life.


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