
小班化论文:小班化 高效课堂 主题研究平台



【英文摘要】explicitly puts forward,” deepening the reform of curriculum and teaching methods, promoting progressively small-class teaching “. The proposed guidelines on small-class of teaching, is certainly and

encouragement,meanwhile,also become the xigang district small-class-based of efficient classroom research main basis. Small-class-based of efficient classroom research is xigang district ongoing national topic,in propulsion process,how to implement a “high efficiency” is involved in research and practice of the biggest problems facing the staff at all levels. With the popularization of information technology,using the network research platform provides theme research function,in the interactive,cooperation and competition to promote the development of the research team,improve teachers’ teaching efficiency , promote regional single-point calibration of

balanced development,full realization of efficient classroom teaching classes.This paper is involved in “ smaller classes in primary and secondary school classroom teaching and research into efficient” national subject practice, the implementation process for small class Xigang existing research does not thoroughly explore the untimely, incomplete status of the website on education in small classes improved by adding research platform theme column published by research platform and the subject theme of the relay to others, and different forms of evaluation system, strengthen the front-line teachers, managers and researchers between the in-depth study of the formation of systematic management. Research platform in the subject, the wide range of management and evaluation methods to the classroom teachers more opportunities to participate, but also for researchers and managers of the platform for the development of classroom teachers to provide space. In the platform, teachers focus on specific topics to discuss, and discuss the results of rational use of the practice teaching, which is the ultimate goal of this platform. Research platform in the small class theme running time of nearly 1 year, the education sector, teachers, school management and front-line effect of its implementation given full recognition, and with

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