山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《Module 5 Great People and Great

Book3 Module 5 【学习目标】 1. 通过预习,找出本模块重要短语2. 了解有关工业革命的知识和学习相关词汇。 3. 完成预习学案中的相关练习。 【预习内容】 I.Phrases: 1. 周游列国 2. 从……到…… 3. 信任,信仰 4. 与……相似 5. 与……不同 6. 照顾,照料 7. 抚养,养育 8. (与……)交战 9. 强调……重要性 10. 社会秩序 11. 得到一个职位 12. 遵循某人的建议 13. 花费时间做 14. 虐待 15. 以某种方式 16. 在某些方面 17. 结果是 18. 总之,简言之 19. 第一次 20. 对……自豪 II. Use these expressions to complete the conversations. if so They say (that)… for the first time tell the time to give an example 1. A: ________________ you need to be a bit mad to be an inventor. B: _____________, then my friend Peter is a bit mad. He’s an inventor. He’s just invented a clock that not only ____________, but also plays a song to wake you up! 2. A: The Chinese are very clever people. ________________, they’re much better at maths than most westerners. B: I agree. A Chinese friend of mine explained a difficult maths problem to me, and __________________ I understand. III. Cultural corner: 1. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false. ① Industrial Revolution started in the early 18th century in Europe. ( ) ② The reason of Industrial Revolution was the increasing of the population of towns and cities.( ) ③ Steam engine was invented in 1769 by James Watt.( ) ④ The steam engine was used on the railways first.( ) ⑤ During the period of Industrial Revolution, land owners are more powerful than factory owners. 2. condition n. 条件;情况;环境;身份 ① The doctor said that he was in a good condition. So people who care for him should not worry. _______________________________________________________________ ② I have had no exercise for ages; I ’m really out of condition._( _ ) ③ The owner keeps the house in a good condition. ( ) ④ Often, factory workers _____________________________________ 工厂的人们经常住在简陋而拥挤的环境中。 【作业】 1. Phrases ① 十八世纪后半期 ________________ ② 工业革命:________________ ③ 大规模生产____________________ ④ 第一次 _______________________ ⑤ the invention of the steam engine ____________________ ⑥ the main energy source ____________________________ ⑦ poor working conditions __________________________ ⑧ spread through _______________________________ 2. 在欧洲,十八世纪后半期社会出现了一次重大的变革。 3. 这个变革叫做“工业革命” 4. 随着工业革命的到来,工厂出现了,大批量的生产第一次成为可能。 5. These changes became possible because of inventions such as the steam engine. 6. At first the steam engine was used in mines, but it was soon used in factories and on the railways. 7. From 1830 to the early 20th century, the Industrial Revolution spread through Europe and the US and then to other countries such as Japan.

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