
we consume. It's about our families, our work, our connection with the larger world, our spiritual dimension. It's about how we touch the whole world. It's a way of life.\23. What was the author's main purpose in writing the text? ______

A. To explore the trend of minimalism. B. To give tips on how to lead a happy life. C. To argue whether money buys happiness. D. To recommend one of Francine Jay's books.

24. What inspired Francine Jay to live a simple life? ______

A. A book she came across.

B. Her desire to keep up with modem life.

C. The pleasure she enjoyed from traveling lightly. D. A follower of minimalism she met on a trip.

25. According to Leah Watkins, a typical minimalist tends to ______ .

a. be fed up with materialism

b. like saving and visiting nature often c. be angry about his or her current life

d. be environmentally friendly and live with fewer things

A. a, b B. a, d C. a, b, c D. b, c, d

26. The underlined word \.

A. removing B. distinguishing C. accepting D. improving

27. Which of the following would Duane Elgin probably agree with? ______

A. Minimalism is a healthy lifestyle that is in conflict with modem life. B. Minimalism limits people's freedom to enjoy their lives to the fullest. C. Minimalism enables people to reflect on what truly counts in their lives. D. Minimalism means people have to sacrifice some pleasure to live simply. 三、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共20.0分)

Still GoodHaving grown up during the Depression (经济大萧条时期),Dad was not one to throw anything out,certainly not (28)something was \. One cold evening,a man my father(29) called \.He was wearing (30)boots with the soles (鞋底) flapping as he walked in the snow.Dad called out,\,Joe,wait-I have some boots for you.\

And then…I really shouldn't have been (31)when Dad took off his warm coat and handed it to Old Joe,too. I was (32)of admiration for my dad.

Every time I saw Old Joe wearing that grey coat,my heart would fill with (33).

My father (34)many years later,but I would see Old Joe (35)wearing his coat when I went to visit Mom and that always made me (36). It brought back such warm(37)of my dad, and who he was as a person, and how he (38)his life.

Then,one winter evening I was leaving Mom's house and keeping a(n)(39)out for Joe as usual.Well,(40) for the coat, really.I hadn't seen Joe for a while,(41) I was happy when I saw that old grey coat(42).Feeling a sudden burst of warmth,I strained to see Joe's face, not(43)him to look up. Suddenly he did!

But it wasn't Old Joe's face.I smiled,(44) that my dad's old coat had once again found a new (45),in a new owner.I was (46)with emotion as I thought about how (47) Dad would be to know,that even after all these years,his old coat was \.\28. A. though

29. A. affectionately

C. considerately

B. if

C. unless

B. unwillingly D. cautiously


D. until

30. A. plain B. expensive C. shabby D. cozy 31. A. confused B. ashamed C. depressed D. surprised 32. A. aware B. guilty C. jealous D. full 33. A. warmth B. pity C. concern D. satisfaction 34. A. set out B. passed away C. cheered up D. broke away 35. A. never B. already C. still D. only 36. A. complain B. sigh C. suffer D. smile 37. A. inspiration B. appreciation C. memories D. comforts 38. A. lived B. challenged C. saved D. lost 39. A. look B. eye C. greeting D. track 40. A. less B. better C. worse D. more 41. A. for B. but C. so D. or 42. A. disappearing B. coming C. lying D. falling 43. A. expecting B. advocating C. convincing D. reminding 44. A. forgetting B. imagining C. doubting D. realizing 45. A. approach B. experience C. aim D. life 46. A. combined B. satisfied C. overcome D. concerned 47. A. happy B. anxious C. curious D. polite 四、语法填空(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)

48. Mastering Storytelling FundamentalsWhether you're telling a joke, telling a fairy tale,

or trying to persuade someone with a little empirical evidence, telling a story well is an important skill. While it comes naturally to some, for others this skill is a learned one. Never fear. Just get started with the steps below. Engage your audience.

Interact (互动) with your audience or do something to grab their attention. Ask them a question, even if it's just rhetorical, that relates to the conclusion, twist, or context for the story you9re going to tell. Alternatively you can make a grabbing statement that catches their attention (setting your hook, the equivalent of a click-bait headline) This forces their .attention to focus on the idea of your story and makes them want to hear more. Build the scene.

Throughout your storytelling, you want to create an immersive experience. You want to tell your audience the story in a way that makes them feel like they're there. Start by giving them context when you start your story. Continue to create the scene by using details which help them picture the action and feel the things you felt. You'll also want to carefully tailor your language: use words which create very strong, very specific emotions. Build tension and release tension. Of course, the entire arc of a story should be building tension and releasing tension, until the climactic point in the story and the falling action of the conclusion. But what you need to remember is that a release of tension should come between the tension points. Without this release of tension, a story can feel rushed or too list-like. Real life includes moments between the things that happen to us. Stories should too. This release can be a description of the scene, and quick filling in of semi-relevant details, or a joke if the story is meant to be a bit funny.

Focus on what's important.

When telling a story, it is important to include details, to create that sense of

immersion. However, you don't want the story to take on a \. This is why it's very important to focus on what's important. Cut the details that aren't important for the story, leave the ones that make the story.


Keep the flow logical.

This is where knowing your story and practicing become important. You know that person that tells a story and they get partway in and then they're like, \, I forgot to mention…\? Yeah, don't be that guy. Don't stop to back up. This breaks the listener's experience of the story. Tell the story in a way that is logical and flows smoothly. Make it feel conclusive.

It's awkward when an audience isn't sure if you're done or not so make the conclusion of your story feel conclusive. There are a number of ways to do this, for example:

Ask a question and give an answer. \? I know I'm sure not going to try that again.\

Mastering Storytelling Fundamentals The skill of telling a story (71) ______ a lot to many people, whether in telling a joke, a fairy tale or persuading someone with a Introduction little empirical evidence. Some people are (72) ______ with storytelling skill, while others should acquire it by learning. Engage your audience. You can (74) ______ with your audience or do something to attract them when you start your storytelling. As an alternative, you keep them interested in your story by making a grabbing statement that attracts their (75) ______ . Build the scene. Building the scene means that you create a scene where your audience can picture the action and feel the things you felt. Remember to carefully tailor your language. Build tension and release tension. (73) In order not to make your story feel rushed or too list-like, you'd ______ to better let the release of tension come between the tension points improving (76)because real life includes moments between the things ______ your to us. storytelling Focus on what's important. skill Omit the unnecessary (77) ______ and leave the important ones to help you create a sense of immersion. Keep the flow logical. (78) ______ stopping to back up, which breaks the listener's experience of the story. Instead, tell the story in a logical and smooth way. Make it feel conclusive. You feel (79) ______ when an audience doesn't realize that your story come to an (80) ______ so you'd better make a conclusion.


49. A good laugh can drive away n______ feelings like depression, nervousness, anxiety

and disappointment.

50. There were over 500 athletes p______ in the marathon last month.


51. Parents should take the responsibility to educate their kids how to b______ themselves i

n some formal occasions.

52. The boy tried his best to study hard to live up to his parents'______ (期望).

53. You're actually already in______ (拥有) of one of your most important gifts: time. 54. Much to our surprise, the witness's a______ of the traffic accident differed from the off

icial version in several aspects.

55. I am living with my parents, but it is only______ (临时

的) because next month I will go abroad.

56. A large sum of money has been______ (分配) for buying new books for the school. 57. In the future I'll be more______ (成

熟) and be able to make my own decisions and do things by myself.

58. He stood on the stage to give a speech, r______ to his notes now and then. 六、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共20.0分)

59. 临近年底,很多人因为忙不完工作而被迫进入循环加班模式.请根据你对下面这幅



你的作文应包括以下内容: 1、简要描述这幅漫画的内容;


3、阐述你对 \?\这个问题的看法. 注意:

1、可参照图片适当发挥; 2、作文词数150左右.

3、作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等. ______


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