江苏省2017届英语1模 单选汇编

江苏省2017届英语1模 单选汇编

一、 苏锡常镇

21. The quiet life of the country has never had _______ to me in that I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window.

A. appeal B. appetite C. affection D. application 22. — Which day shall we go on a picnic next week?

— Make it _______ day you like, for it makes no difference to me. A. one B. any C. another D. other 23. — Sherry rang to say she was too busy to come.

— Well, she _______ say that. She is always making excuses. A. mustn’t B. would C. needn’t D. should 24. There are still many problems to be solved _______ we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.

A. before B. once C. after D. until 25. — He could have put pressure on us to adopt his proposal. — Yes, but he didn’t _______. A. make his way B. get his way C. give his way D. feel his way 26. Some traditional exercises like jogging, swimming and climbing may help people stay ______. A. in place B. in order C. in fashion D. in shape 27. — Sharon, why is the man so upset now?

— His wallet, mobile phone and ID card ______, the police are investigating and will send him to a social assistance station.

A. was stolen B. stolen C. being stolen D. having stolen 28. Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; _______, they remain trapped. A. besides B. therefore C. however D. instead 29. Years may wrinkle the skin, but it is to give up enthusiasm _______ wrinkles the soul. A. who B. which C. that D. when

30. One has reason to believe that China’s anticorruption over the past few years, _______, has achieved inspiring progress. A. tough as it is B. as tough as it is C. so tough it is D. as it is tough 31. — Go for a drink together?

— Fine. I _______ how to spend the rest of the night. A. wonder B. had wondered C. was wondering D. have wondered

32. Hard work, along with dedicated revolutionary spirit is the fundamental guarantee to success, which is _______ we should learn from the pioneers participating in the Long March. A. that B. where C. what D. how 33. — Nowadays people seem to become more and more selfish.

— How much better life would be if we _______ to the values of the past!

A. were to return B. had returned C. return D. will return


34. It’s strongly advised that smokers not be allowed to smoke in any room _______ babies currently occupy.

A. where B. whose C. that D. as

35. — The rising frequency of smoggy days is making me deeply worried that one day we will have to rely on masks to survive.

—_______! The government really should do something. A. Good idea B. I got it C. You bet D. That’s all right


21. With private groups, there is a false sense _______ everybody in the groups knows each other and has the same interests in mind. A. where B. that C. what D. why

22. ––In the UK, some people equate life experience with the number of stamps in their passports. ––That’s why they all agree that they _______ the ―travel bug‖. A. catch B. caught C. have caught D. are to catch 23. Is it common practice that salesmen receive a _______ of 10 percent on all sales made? A. deposit B. receipt C. pension D. commission

24. The number of stay-at-home fathers reached a record high last year, new figures show, _______ families saw a rise in female breadwinners. A. if B. as C. because D. though

25. Our dream is to _______ a World Cup that makes you, your grandchildren and everyone in football really proud. A. stage B. chair C. found D. watch 26. ––Iris is always kind and _______ to the suffering of others. ––No wonder she chooses to be a relief worker. A. allergic B. immune C. relevant D. sensitive

27. We had wanted to surprise Father with a birthday gift, but my sister _______ by asking him what he would like. A. licked her lips B. ate her words C. spilt the beans D. pulled his leg

28. Hopefully, the new method will be effective, helping students to get their career plans _______. A. at hand B. at will C. on trial D. on track

29. We are committed to creating a world free from the homeless and the hopeless, a world _______

each and every corner is a true paradise. A. that B. which C. of which D. from where

30. Yet _______ in the process of development did they stop to consider the impact of their

―progress‖ on nature. A. in no time B. at no point C. as likely as not D. more often than not

31. During each NBA season, basketball fans cheer on their favorite teams to make _______

through. A. it B. them C. that D. those

32. He was greatly shocked at Donald Trump’s taking office. Never did he expect that the voters


_______ be so unreasonable. A. should B. could C. would D. might

33. _______ a record-breaking seven Golden Globes, the musical La La Land surprisingly does not appeal to Chinese viewers. A. Winning B. Won C. Having won D. To win 34. If these new measures don’t work, we’ll have to _______ our old system. A. make up for B. come up with C. break away from D. fall back on 35. ––Why didn’t you come back last night? I waited long! ––_______. You were playing games the whole night. A. Don’t give me that B. Don’t lose your head C. Don’t trust to chance D. Don’t dream away your time


21. The Internet is so much a part of our culture that it affects our lives by acting as a ______ for face-to-face contacts. A. preference B. motivation C. substitute D. guideline 22. —Will Uncle Peterson come to my birthday party tomorrow? —Pity he ______ to Zimbabwe as a volunteer teacher.

A. was sent B. has been sent C. had been sent D. would be sent

23. How come every kid today is meant to be a champion for something _____ we know every kid can’t be a star?

A. in case B. as if C. when D. unless

24. The government is to _____ the technologies to the full in the structural transformation of the economy.

A. adapt B. expose C. exploit D. attach

25. The prize winner described to the class _______ he had managed to achieve excellence in his studies. A. if B. how C. what D. that

26. In contrast with the liberal social climate of the present, traditions in the past were relatively ______.

A. competitive B. comprehensive C. creative D. conservative 27. Teachers in primary schools ______ influence the kids fall under should be role models. A. whose B. who C. where D. which 28. —I have no idea what made the students so excited and crazy. —______ it have been their team’s victory in the finals? A. Must B. Could C. Would D. Should 29. —What does Nicky’s job involve as a public relations director? —______ quite a lot of time with other people. A.Spending B.Having spent C. To spend D. To have spent 30. —The new machines have arrived and are being tested in the workshop. —I’m glad we _____ them in the years ahead.

A. will be operating B. have been operating C. would be operating D. had been operating 31. —How impressive John’s painting is!


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