CH1Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets?
1. 为什么金融市场对于经济的健康运行至关重要?
They channel funds from people who do not have a productive use for them to people who do,thereby resulting in higher economic efficiency.
2. 外汇汇率的变化会对金融机构的盈利产生怎样的影响?
Changes in foreign exchange rates change the value of assets held by financial institutions and thuslead to gains and losses on these assets. Also changes in foreign exchange rates affect the profits madeby traders in foreign exchange who work for financial institutions. 3. 当美元相对于其他国家的货币的价值上升时,你更愿意买美国产的还是外国产的裤
foreign goods become less expensive relative to American goods; you are more likely to buy French-made jeans. The resulting drop indemand for American-made jeans because of the strong dollar hurts American jeans manufacturers.On the other hand, the American company that imports jeans into US now finds that thedemand for its product has risen, so it is better off when the dollar is strong.
4. 国外投资者持有的美国债务主要是政府债券和国库券,美元汇率的变动会如何影响
As the dollar becomes stronger relative to a foreign currency, one dollar is equivalent tomore foreign currency. A strongerdollar will yield more home currency to foreigners, so the asset will be worth more to foreign investors.Likewise, a weak dollar will lead to foreign bond holdings worth less to foreigners. 5. 当利率上升时,每个人的情况都会变坏吗?
No. It is true that people who borrow to purchase a house or a car are worse off because it costs themmore to finance their purchase; however, savers benefit because they can earn higher interest rates ontheir savings.
CH2 Whatismoney?
1. 为什么通货不是恰当的货币计量指标?
If currency can be used as money, a lot of other assets have liquidity properties that are similar to currency, not counting them would understate an economy’s accessto liquidity for transactions purposes. For this reason, counting assets such as checking deposits orsavings accounts more accurately reflects the stock of assets that can be considered money.
2. 如果你使用诸如Paypal之类的在线支付体系在网上购买产品和服务,会影响到M1
货币供给量还是M2货币供给量,抑或两类货币供给量都会或者都不会被影响? Neither. PayPal and many other e-money systems do not count in the M1 or M2.Because PayPal and similar payment systems are generally credit-based, this requires payment ata future date for funds used today; those future payments must be made using existing money thatis already in the system, such as currency or funds in a bank deposit account. In other words, theM1 and M2 money supplies would theoretically remain the same, but money would move fromyour checking account to a third party, once the credit transaction is settled.
CH9 banking and the management of financial institution
1. If the president of a bank told you that the bank was so well run that it has never had to
call in loans, sell securities, or borrow as a result of a deposit outflow, would you be
willing to buy stock in that bank? Why or why not?如果银行行长告诉你:他的银行经营状况非常好,及时出现存款外流,也无需收获贷款出售证券或者借款,你是否买这家银行股票,为什么?
No, because the bank president is not managing the bank well. The fact means that the bank is holding a lot of reserves that do not earnany interest. So the bank’s profits are low, and stock in the bank is not a good investment.
2. “Because diversification is a desirable strategy for avoiding risk, it never makes sense for
a bank to specialize in making specific types of loans.” Is this statement true, false, or
uncertain? Explain your answer.因为多元化是避免风险的重要策略,因此银行永远不应当专门从事某种特定类型的贷款。对还是错,为什么
False. Although diversification is a desirable strategy for a bank, it may still make sense for a bank tospecialize in certain types of lending. For example, a bank may have developed expertise in screeningand monitoring borrowers for a particular kind of loan, thus improving its ability to handle problemsof adverse selection and moral hazard
3. If you are a banker and expect interest rates to rise in the future, would you prefer to
make short-term loans or long-term loans?预计未来利率会上升,这时你愿意发放长期还是短期贷款?
You should want to make short-term loans. Then, when these loans mature, you will be able to makenew loans at higher interest rates, which will generate more income for the bank.
4. Suppose you are the manager of a bank hose $100 billion of assets have an average
duration of four years and whose $90 billion of liabilities have an average duration of six years. Conduct a duration analysis for the bank, and show what will happen to the net
worth of the bank if interest rates rise by 2 percentage points. What actions could you take to reduce the bank’s interest-rate risk?
the assets fall in value by $8 million while the liabilities fall in valueby $10.8 million, the net worth of the bank rises by $2.8 million. The interest-rate risk can bereduced by shortening the maturity of the liabilities to a duration of four years or lengthening thematurity of the assets to a duration of six years. Alternatively, you could engage in an interest-rateswap, in which you swap the interest earned on your assets with the interest on another bank’s assetsthat have a duration of six years.
5. 为什么隔夜贷款市场的发展使得银行更可能持有较少的超额准备金?
Because when a deposit outflow occurs, a bank is able to borrow reserves in these overnight loanmarkets quickly; thus, it does not need to acquire reserves at a high cost by calling in or selling offloans. The presence of overnight loan markets thus reduces the costs associated with deposit outflows,so banks will hold fewer excess reserves. 6. 如果银行的资本金较之法定准备金要求少了100万,银行可以做哪三件事情来解
It can raise $1 million of capital by issuing new stock. It can cut its dividend payments by $1 million. It can decrease the amount of its assets.
CH11 Banking industry:structure and competition 1. 哪个监管机构主要负责监管一下所列的商业银行种类?
a. 国民银行,b.银行持股公司,c.非美联储成员的州银行 d.美联储成员的州银行 e. 联邦注册的储蓄与贷款协会 f.联邦注册的信用社
(a)Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; (b) the Federal Reserve; (c) state banking authorities and the FDIC; (d) the Federal Reserve; (e) Office of Thrift Supervision; (f) National Credit Union Administration.
2. 为什么新技术加大了限制银行分支机构的难度?
New technologies are frequently shared by several banks, sothese facilities are not classified as branches. They can be used by banks to escape limitationson offering services in other states and on branching.
3. 如果按照一些经济学家的提议,未来取消法定准备金制度,这会对货币市场共同基
Money market mutual funds avoid the tax effectof reserve requirements and have a cost advantage over banks in acquiring funds. Eliminating reserverequirements would reduce the cost advantage of money market mutual funds and would reduce their size.