语法大全之一般现在时动词三单变化练习题 -答案

练习题- 一般现在时 动词三单形式变化


1. He often has (have) dinner at home.

2. We don’t watch/ does not watch (not watch) TV on Monday. 3. Nick doesn’t go/does not go (not go) to the zoo on Sunday. 4. Do they like (like) the World Cup?

5. What do they often do (do) on Saturdays?

6. Do your parents read (read) newspapers every day? 7. The girl teaches (teach) us English on Sundays. 8. She and I take (take) a walk together every evening. 9. There are (be) some water in the bottle. 10. Mike likes (like) cooking. 11. They have (have) the same hobby. 12. My aunt looks (look) after her baby carefully. 13. You always do (do) your homework well. 14. I am (be) ill. I’m staying in bed.

15. She goes (go) to school from Monday to Friday. 16. Liu Tao doesn’t/does not (do) not like PE. 17. The child often watches (watch) TV in the evening. 18. Su Hai and Su Yang have (have) eight lessons this term. 19. He watches TV every evening. (watch) 20. John looks like his father. (look) 21. I walk in the corridors. (walk)


22. He runs in the corridors. (run) 23. She washes her face once a day. (wash) 24. They brushes their teeth once a day. (brush) 25. You hang up your clothes once a day. (hang) 26. We finish our home work once a day. (finish) 27. He throws rubbish in the classroom. (throw) 28. She throws rubbish on the floor. (throw) 29. I throw rubbish in the bin. (throw) 30. They set the table once a day. (set) 31. Peter never runs in the corridors. (run) 32. Mary usually sets the table. (set)

33. Pat and Ken waters the plants in the morning. (water) 34. The boy combs his hair once a day. (comb) 35. Miss Cheng watches TV at home. (watch) 36. My sister packs his schoolbag once a day. (pack) 37. My mother cooks dinner for me. (cook)

38. My parents cleans the house at Chinese New Year. (clean) l 39. My teachers give us some gifts. (give) 40. My friends set the table with me. (set)

练习二、选择正确的单词填到括号里。 1. What does Candy want (wants,want) to be ?

2. You should (should,shouldn’t) be quiet in the library. 3. He shouldn’t throw (throw,throws) rubbish on the floor.


4. Peter helps (help,helps) his mother at home. 5. She never runs (run,runs) in the corridors. 6. We should walk (walks,walk) in the corridors. 7. He doesn’t (don’t,doesn’t) get up early.

8. How often does (do,does) your father go to the movies?

练习三、将下列句子改成第三人称He的句型(看例句) 例句:I brush my teeth once a day. ---- 改:He brushes his teeth once a day.

1. I comb my hair twice a day. He combs his hair twice a day. 2. They go to school at six in the morning. He goes to school at six in the morning. 3. You wash your face and put on your clothes. He washes his face and put on his clothes 4. When do you get up? When does he get up?

5. How often do you hang up your clothes? How often does he hang up his clothes 练习四、 用动词的适当形式填空

1. He watches (watch) TV every day. 2. He goes (go) to school on his bike.


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