


1. I am used to learning English by listening the tapes. 2. Kate and Lucy always go to school by bus.

3. I used to be afraid of English.I couldn’t understand my teacher.but now I like it very much.

4. Ms. White’s husband is a good cook, the food that he cooks is very delicious. 5. David.often reads books in the librory with his close friend. 第二节。听下面的6段对话,完成每段对后的各个小题。每段对话读两遍 听第6段对话, 完成6,7小题。 W: Hello, could I speak to David ,please?

M: Sorry,he is taking a shower right now .Can I take a message?

W: Yes ,please.This is Sally,We will go on a trip tomorrow. Please tell him bring a camera. M:OK,I will give you him the message. 听第7短对话,完成8,9小题。

W: Oh ,it is a fine day,isn”t? And the food smells nice. It is a perfect day for a picnic. M: Yes,it is.I am glad it did not rain.My name is Mike Simth, by the way. W: Oh ,hi! I am Alice .Nice to meet you.

M: I am studying medicine at Harvard. What about you? W:I am working for IBM.

M: Oh, are you? That sounds intreresting . W: Yeah,I like it.


W: Ann looks upset today, do you know why? M :Maybe she has failed in the math exam.

W: No, I know she has passed the exam.I think it might because she argued with her best friend .But I am not sure.

M: When and why did they argue?

W; They argued this morning but I don’t know why. M; Oh ,that is too bad.

听第9段对话,完成12,13,14小题。 M:Hello?

W: Mark, this is Brenda.

M: Hi, Brenda.How are you feeling?

W: Oh,I am fine now. Can you tell me about our lessons?

M:Sure Let me get my notbook.Ok.In history we finished talking about Queen Elizabeth. We have t

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