
14-15学年新目标九Unit11试题 Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分) 一. 单项选择 (15分) 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. ― Does Mary agree with you? ― Yes, sure. We are in agreement. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )2. ― My parents are sometimes too hard me. ― Are they? They just want you to spend more time your lessons. A. on; on B. on; with C. with; on D. with; with ( )3. ― Is it true that some colors can make us feel relaxed? ― Yes. Colors do have the to change our feelings and moods. A. secret B. power C. idea D. experience ( )4. ― Doctor, do you think I have got a bad cold? ― Maybe. But I can’t say that before I you. A. create B. warn C. examine D. prove ( )5. ― Look at Eric’s face. The snake scared him just now. ― Yes, I think so. He isn’t a brave boy. A. black B. red C. pale D. blue ( )6. Tina and I are good friends. Our began 10 years ago. A. message B.

friendship C. suggestion D. education ( )7. ― Did you and your parents join the trip? ― Yes. us, the Greens also went to the amusement park. A. Except B. Except for C. Beside D. Besides ( )8. ― How do you like Han Han’s books? ― They are my 20 × 20

last choice. The more I read them, I like them. A. the less B. the least C. the more D. the most ( )9. ― How about seeing a movie, Jenny? ― Well, I would stay at home rather than to the movies. A. go B. going C. goes D. went ( )10. ― I didn’t enjoy myself at the party. I just felt . ― Well, maybe there were too many people at the party. A. left out B. to leave out C. leaving out D. be left out ( )11. ― Have you heard from Mrs Green lately? ― I my brother has received any call or e-mail from her. Hope she is doing well. A. Not only; but also B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Either; or ( )12. ― I have told Jim many times to be careful with his lessons, but... ― He is clever but careless. You can’t make a crab (蟹) straight, can you? A. walks B. to walk C. walk D. walking ( )13. ― Tom a new camera lately. ― Really? Do you know its brand? A. buys B. has bought C. is buying D. will buy ( )14. ― Look at the lovely baby panda. Do you know at birth? ― I guess he might be about 100 grams heavy. A. what was his weight B. how heavy was he C. how he was heavy D. what his weight was ( )15. ― I hope you won’t disappoint us in the final, Andy. ― . I will try my best not to let you down. A. I dislike it B. I am 20 × 20

afraid not C. You’re wrong D. Believe in me 二. 完形填空 (10分) 阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Amsterdam is the capital city of the Netherlands. It is the biggest city and the second largest harbor (港口) in the Netherlands with a population of 740,000. It is called the “ 16 Venice” . Amsterdam is a(n) 17 but lively city. It’s a city with a long history and ancient culture. The canals (运河) are perhaps its most fascinating 18 . A walk around the Jodan area of the city is one of the joys of Amsterdam. So many boats and bridges make you 19 the crowds and get lost in your own little world. Best viewed at night with the street lights throwing soft shadows (影子) across the water, it is really 20 special. Amsterdam is a busy city. It is a 21 tourist city all year round. And it becomes busier 22 weekends and long holidays. The city is compact (紧凑的). You can get to all the main tourist spots on foot. With an excellent public transportation, it is really 23 to travel in Amsterdam. There are also plenty of 24 in Amsterdam. The Van Gogh Museum and the Rijiks Museum are the main attractions. Many famous paintings can be 25 here. So when you have a chance to take a vacation, don’t miss “North Venice” ― Amsterdam. ( )16. A. West B. South C. North D. East 20 × 20

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