

班级__________ 姓名_________ 学号_________

Ⅰ.Read and number (读一读,填上适当的句子完成短文,每句限用一次):

A. We can climb the mountains. B. It’s autumn. It’s yellow. C.What can you do on that day ? D. We can eat Double Ninth cakes. E.When is the Double Ninth Festival? A: Hello , Jack. B: Hello, Milly.

A: (1)____________________________ B: It’s usually in October. A: How is the weather on that day?

B: It’s cool and dry. (2)____________________________ A: (3)_______________________________

B: We can do many things. (4) _________________________ We can visit old people. A: What else can we do?


A: Are they sweet? B: Yes, they are yummy food. Ⅱ. Read and judge. (阅读对话,判断正误,用T或F表示):

Children’s Day is an international (国际性的) festival. Children all like it very much. In China, Children’s Day is on the first of June. In the UK, Children’s Day is on the fourteenth of July. In Singapore, Children’s Day is on the first of October. In Thailand, Children’s Day is on the second Saturday of January. In Japan, there are two Children’s Days. The Children’s Day for girls is on the third of March, and the

Children’s Day for boys is on the fifth of May.

( ) 1. Children’s Day is a Chinese festival. ( ) 2. Children’s Day in the UK is in July.

( ) 3. In Singapore, Children’s Day is on the first of November. ( ) 4. In Japan, there are two Children’s Days.

( ) 5. Children’s Day in Thailand is on the first Saturday of January. Ⅲ. Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): Today is the Lantern Festival(元宵节) . The Lantern Festival comes after the Spring Festival. The weather is often cold. You can see a full moon (满月) in the sky. At the Lantern Festival, you can see many beautiful lanterns in the street. The street and shops are bright and colourful at night. People like guessing the riddles on the lanterns. They also eat yuanxiao for dinner. Yuan xiao is a kind of Chinese food for this festival. Children often light (点亮) beautiful lanterns for fun. ( ) 1. The Lantern Festival comes ________ the Spring Festival.

A. before B.after C.in the middle of

( ) 2. You can see a full ________ in the sky at the Lantern Festival.

A. sun B.star C.moon

( ) 3. There are many_________ in the street at the Lantern Festival.

A. lanterns B.lights C.cars

( ) 4. People often eat _________ at the Lantern Festival.

A. noodles B.yuanxiao C.cakes

( ) 5. Children often _________ beautiful lanterns for fun at the festival.

A.guess B.make C. light

Ⅳ. Read and write. (阅读短文,填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每线一词,首字母已给):

There are some important festivals in China. I like Mid-autumn F__________ best. It’s in autumn. The weather is cool and dry. It’s a__________ sunny or cloudy. On that day, people usually l________ at the moon at night. It’s round. It looks like a plate. It’s very bright. People eat the m_________ under the trees. They are big and nice. Children like l_________ to the stories about Chang’e and Wu Gang. There is a rabbit in the moon, too.

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