英语人教版九年级全册Unit13 We're trying to save

Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth!

第一课时 Section A 1a--2c导学案

设计:周淑芳 审核:邓小娟 编号:10 时间:3.9 班级_____ 姓名_______ 学习目标:

1.谈论有关空气污染、水污染、噪音污染的问题。 2.讨论保护环境的方式。

学习重点:掌握有关污染的一些重要单词、短语。 学习难点:复习几种动词的重要时态和语态。 学习过程:

自学指导一 自主学习1a中的重要单词并理解,完成1a.(5分钟) 自学检测一 检测并订对答案。

自学指导二 练习听力,完成课本1b练习。(10分钟) 自学检测二 根据1a-2b中的信息,完成下列短语并识记。 1.水污染 2.空气污染 3.噪音污染 4.在河床底部 5.充满了垃圾 6.把垃圾扔入河中 7.过去常常… 8. 不再 9.给…写信 10.要求…做

11.关闭工厂 12.参与…,在…中扮演角色 自学指导三 讨论有关污染问题及保护环境的方式,练习对话。(10分钟)

自学检测三 完成下列对话。

A: The river was d_____. Even the b______ of the river was _______ of r_______.

B: But it u_____ to be so c_______.

A: Yes. But people are throwing l_______ into the river. B: Everyone in this town should p______ a part in c________ it up. 自学指导四 练习听力,完成课本2a-2b练习题。(10分钟) 自学检测四 检测并核对答案。 学习小结:(5分钟)


Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth! 第一课时 Section A 1a--2c作业纸

设计:周淑芳 审核:邓小娟 编号:10 时间:3.9 班级_____ 姓名_______ 一、英汉互译(30分)

1.土地污染 2.手机

3.受到严重污染 4.公共场所 5.把…变成… 6.太多的垃圾

7.在公路上 8.大量的黑烟__ 9.变得焦急,担心 10. 在天空中看星星 二、用所给词适当形式填空。(20分)

1. There are many kinds of (pollute)in our daily life.

2. All of the students should take part in (keep) our school clean and tidy.

3. We are trying ___________(save) the earth! 4. It used __________ (be) clean and beautiful.

5. Their grandparents were (fisherman) near the sea before they moved to the town.


1. We should put up notice to stop from (乱扔).

2. The teacher asked us to find a way to pick up the coins at the (底部)of the bottle.

3. There are no more fish for (渔夫)to catch in the river.

4. We should take the paper bags to go shopping instead of the (塑料)ones.

5. Could you please tell us another (优点)of riding bikes to work?



Everyone in town should _______ _____ _______in cleaning it up. 2.空气被严重污染因为如今路上的汽车太多了。

The air is _______ ________ because there are ______ ______ cars on the road these days.


I used to _____ ______ _____ see stars in the sky. 4.这周围的空气真的已经被污染了,我非常担心。

The air has become really _________ around here. I’m getting very ________.


Factories ________ _______ _______also pollute the air with a lot of black smoke.

第二课时 Section A 2d导学案

设计:周淑芳 审核:邓小娟 时间:3.10 编号:11 班级_______姓名_____

学习目标:继续学习有关污染和保护环境的问题。 学习重点:有关污染的一些重要单词和短语。 学习难点:理解并背诵对话中的重点短语。 学习过程:

自学指导一 自主学习重要单词。(5分钟) 自学检测一 检测并默写重要词汇。(5分钟)

1.乱扔;垃圾__________ 2.底部,最下部__________ 3.渔民__________ 4.煤,煤块__________ 5.丑陋的,难看的_________ 6. 木制的_______ 7.优点,有利条件______ 8.花费,价钱_______ 9.塑料,塑料的__________ 10.外卖食物_________ 11.垃圾箱________

自学指导二 自学2d,大声朗读并理解。(15分钟) 自学检测二 读写重点短语 知识点拨:(15分钟)

1 It’s good for health and it doesn’t cost anything!

cost v. 花费;使付出 。指花费金钱,主语通常是物。 take, spend, pay & cost :都可以表示“花费”,区别如下: 1) take多表示花费时间,It takes sb. some time to do sth.这一句型中,it是形式主语。

e.g.It usually takes me 40 minutes to cook dinner. 2) spend多表示花费时间和金钱,主语通常是人,常用于sb.spend(s) some time/money on sth和sb. spend(s) some time / money (in) doing sth.两种句型。e.g. David spent 2,000 yuan on the new machine.

My father spends an hour (in) watching the news on TV every day. 3) pay多表示花费金钱,主语通常是人,常用于sb. pay(s) some money for sth.句型。

e.g. Tommy paid 20 yuan for his breakfast yesterday.

4) cost多表示花费金钱,主语通常是物,常用于sth. cost(s) (sb.) some money.句型。

e.g. The new dress cost Linda 88 yuan.

2.To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.

为了减少空气污染,我们应当乘坐公共汽车或地铁而不是开车。 本句中To cut down air pollution是动词不定式作目的状语。 e.g. —Why is Linlin practicing speaking English? —To go abroad for further study.

3.So together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future!

make a difference (to…) 表示(对……)产生影响或作用

e.g. Do you think his words would make a difference to the final decision? 你认为他的话会对最后的决定产生影响吗?

Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth!


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