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3 Elements Product Design Studio works in a highly competitive market. Our pursuit of perfection and innovation is as ever. Our design is always unique. The biggest challenge of product design is to enable the functions at the same time imparting a sense of aesthetics. Innovation, Pragmatism and Aesthetics are the principles we follow. They are also the most important reasons why we continue to have regular as well as new clients and why passionate design talents from across the country join us.
Seal Management Rules of XYZ Co. Ltd.
4.3 废止、更换
4.3.1 废止或缴销的印章应由保管人员填写《废止申请单》,并呈部门经理核准后交由人事部统一废止或撤销。
Cancellation and replacement:
To cancel or revoke a seal, the custodian shall fill in the “Application Form for Seal Cancellation” and, upon approval by the department head concerned, hand over the seal to the Personnel Department.
4.3.2 遗失印章时应由印章保管人员填写?,并报部门尽力核准后,签批遗失处理办法后,交由人事部按批示处理。
In case of loss of a seal, the custodian must fill out the “Application Form for Seal Cancellation”, report the loss to the department head for verification and instruction on follow-up measures, and submit the matter to the Personnel Department.
4.3.3 更换印章时应由印章保管人员依公司文件填写?,并呈部门经理核准交由人事部按批示处理。
To replace a seal, the custodian shall fill out the “Application Form for Seal Cancellation, obtain approval by the department head, and submit it to the Personnel Department for disposition according to the department
head’s instructions.
5. 印章保管人的责权范畴
Duties of the Custodian
The custodian has full authority to use and control the use of the
5.1 所有印章的使用,必须严格执行公司的公章使用章程,做好申请和使用登记。公司印章只适用于与公司相关业务,不得从事有损公司利益之行为。
Use of all seals must strictly comply with rules on usage. Requests for use and actual use must be logged. The seals may only be used for company business. Any use detrimental to the company’s interests is
5.2 印章使用申请人及管理负责人要严格按照上述规定申请使用印章,如出现问题,后果自负。给公司造成重大损失的,公司将依法追究其法律责任。(321字)
Users and custodians of seals shall strictly follow the above rules. If problems arise, the persons involved will bear the consequences. In
case of severe losses, the company will take legal action against the persons concerned.