
教学准备:1.CAI课2.“o’clock”单纯卡片及“What time is it ?”“It’s ...”“It’s time to ...等句型卡片。3.挂钟一个。4.模拟钟一个(可任意调时间)。 教学方法:情景教学法 教学过程:

Step1:Free talk

T:Boys and girls,nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you,too.

T:Hello?/How do you do ?/How are you?/What’s your name?/How old are you ?/Is this your book? What’s this?(学生的笔、橡皮、铅笔盒… …)

T:What’s this ?(黑板上方悬挂的时钟)(引出Clock) Step 2:Warming up

(带领学生用一只手模仿时针转圈,同时Count from 1 to 12) Step 3:Presentation(1) 1. Learn the new word :o’clock

(1)继而count from 1 o’clock to 12 o’clock. (2)利用“教具钟”认读钟点。

2. Learn the sentence pattern:What time is it ? T:I have many clocks. Do you want to see them ? T:OK,Let’s go!


T:Wow,so many beautiful clocks! Do you want to know what time every clock tell us?(课件闪现“特大问号”) OK.If we want to know,we can ask.What time is it?(卡片认读,并贴于黑板:跟读几遍、模仿火车轮转动的方式操练、个别学生抽读)

3. Learn the sentence pattern:It’s… 最后一位学生说“What time is it ?”

T:By which clock do you want to know What time is it ? (老师点击课件并说出时间:It’s …并教学此句型) Step 4:Drill

1. CAI依次显示钟面(7:30、5:00、9:00),同时操练 T:Excuse me.What time is it ?Ss:It’s...

2.用滚动的“CAI时刻”设置游戏(抢答竞赛) T:What time is it ?Ss:It’s…

3.“CAI时刻”转为一个显示7:30的“大钟面” T:What time is it?Ss:It’s 6 o’clock.

(点按,钟面缩小,同时出现情景画面)T:It’s time to get up.

Step 5:Presentation (2)

1. Learn the sentence pattern:It’s time to…

(根据课件图示的动作说句子:It’s time to go to school /watch TV/go home/go to bed) 2. “It’s time to …”句型造句

Step 6:Practice (pair work:Make dialogues) 1.老师就挂钟提问T:What time is it? Ss:It’s… T:Oh,yes.It’s time to practice making dialogues. 2.范例

课件显示情景画面(5 点钟,回家)及小对话。 A:What time is it?B:It’s 5 o’clock. A:It’s time to go home. (Read the diaogue in the CAI) 3:Act the dialogue (1)自编对话。

T:Now please take out your clocks.Then,make dialogues in pair(according to the time by your clocks).Please ask and answer.


T:Now,Let’s act dialogues with your partners.

T:Who wants to act the dialogue for us ? Please come to the front. (3)三人小组对话。

(将A、 B、A的对话形式改变成A、 B、 C的对话形式——

(4)活动竞赛。两位学生在讲台前扮演A 、B角色对话,其余学生抢先扮演角色C,表达正确、恰当者得分。


T:Now let’s look at the picture(CAI)and listen to a dialogue. 1.第一遍:课文的对话与图片 2.第二遍:课文的文字显示与对话 3.What do you want to do ? I want to go home .

Step8:Consolidation:把今天所学的内容用于我们的校园生活,看谁用的多、用得好? 1. Sing the song “What time is it?” 2. Say “Goodbye!”

T:What time is it ?(看挂钟) Oh,It’s time to stop out class,OK? Goodbye,boys and girls. Ss:Goodbye,Miss Li! 五、学情检测


1.----What time is it?----- It's ______________ (10点) 2.What time is it?-------It's __________(6点) It's ____ _____P.E. class.

3.______ ______ ______ _______--------It's four o'clock. It's _______ _____ home. 4.I _______________(吃午餐)at 12:00. 5.School is over at _______________(4点) pm. (二)选择(35分)

( )1.It's 7:00. It's time for___________A.go to bed B.breakfast C.lunch ( )2.What time is it? It's __________. It's time for home.

A.At 5:00 o'clock B.3:00 o'clock C.there

( )3.It's 6:30. It's time for ____________A.English class B.get up C.dinner 六、板书设计

Unit2 what time is it ?

what time is it ? It’s ...... It’s time to……

Unit2 What time is it ?



1.能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:It’s …o’clock .It’s time for …/It’s time to… 能理解Hurry! Oops , I’m ready .等单词和短句。 2.能够在教师的帮助和录音带的带读下朗读对话。 过程与方法目标:准确、流利的朗读对话。

情感、态度、价值观目标: It’s time for…和It’s time to…的用法区别。 教具准备:单词卡片、课件

教学重点:听、说、认读本课时主要句型:It’s …o’clock .It’s time for …/It’s time to… 教学难点:

1.It’s time for…和It’s time to…的用法区别。

2.Breakfast is ready!和I’m ready!的发音。 教学方法:情景教学法 教学过程: 一、复习引题

教师和学生谈谈他们的作息时间、如:T: What time do you get up ? S: Five forty.也可让学生猜猜教师的活动时间、如:T: What do I do at 6:30? S: You get up . 以次导入课文。 二、教学新课

1.教师拿出Mike的图片、问学生Who is he ?What time does he get up ?学生可能会


2.看挂图或、回答理解性问题、并通过情景、动作等帮助学生理解hurry、ready和oops的意义、可适当进行造句联系加以巩固、并注意对两个句型:It’s time for…和It’s time to…加以比较。

3.听录音、然后跟读、模仿。 4.分角色朗读和分角色表演。 三、巩固练习

1、调查:设计一个调查表、然后调查五名学生或教师的作息时间、在四人小组中进行交流。鼓励学生用新句型It’s time to….来表述。 四、布置作业

1.熟读并背诵第17页的Let’s talk。 五、学情设计

( )1.2+_________=10 A. nine B. eight C. seven

( )2.It's twelve o'clock. It's time for __________A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( )3.-Is this your chair -_________A.It's your desk. B.It's my desk. C.Yes,it is. ( )4.What time ____________ A.it is B.is it C.it's ( )5.__________9:00.A.It is B.Is it C.it is ( )6.It's time ____________ get up A.at B.for C.to ( )7.It's time ____________ math class.A.at B.for C.to ( )8.She has ____________ clocksA. a B.three C.a

( )9.They have eight _____________ in the classroom. A.Light B.light C.lights ( )10.-___________time for school.-Yes.Let's go. A.It is B.Is it C.it is ( )11.How many_____________ can you see in the library? A.computer B.Computer C.computers

( )12.Is this ______ old bag? A.a B.an C./ 六、板书设计

Unit2 what time is it? Breakfast is ready! hurry up.

Unit2 What time is it ?


知识目标:能够听、说、认读本课时的四个动词词组。 能力目标:能够理解并在情景中正确使用句型:It’s time to …


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