2018仁爱英语九年级unit1topic3知识点总结 Microsoft Word 文档

Unit 1 Topic 3 Section A

1.The world has changed for the better 世界变得更好 2.over/on the phone by phone 电话里 3have been to/in have gone to去过某地回来了/曾经住过某地/去过某地还没回来/.4.What do you think of …? how do you like doing sth.? .你觉得……怎么样 5.see …(by ) oneself / in person / with one’s own eyes 亲眼看见 6.be/get used to ( doing ) sth. / used to do sth. /be used to do sth.=be used for doing sth. .习惯做某事/ 过去常做某事/被用来做某事 7.for /since的用法:for+一段时间/since +(前完成时后过去式) 从句/时间点/时间段+ago 8.have fun (in) doing sth. 愉快做某事 9.as a matter of fact= in fact 事实上 10. if(主将从现)/unless 如果/除非11.You must come for a visit.你一定来参观一下。12. 宾语从句时态①主过从过②主句是一般现在时从句时态不受影响③从句是客观整理和事实从句时态不变13.it’s a wonderful place to live它是一个好的地方去居住14..along/in/on the street 沿着/在/在街道中 15.stand for/be a symbol of 代表 16 be kind/friendly/(unfriendly) to sb 对..(不)友好的17 perform/performance V/n 表演V/n 18 be successful/ success/succeed in doing sth 成功做某事(3)19.there used to be 过去是/有20 be different from/the difference between A and B与不同/A和B不同21 be far+数字away from。/Keep away from sb/sw,/ keep A away from B 远离,离·远,使A远离B/远离 1.you will get used to it very soon if you come

2.they used to be,but the city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago. 3.As a matter of fact,it’s a wonderful place to live.

4 Every year millions of visitors come to enjoy the wonderful music and dance on Broadway.

Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B

1.read a newspaper.看报纸 2..show的用法:show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb. show sb. around sp. show up(露面/露揭露)/show off(炫耀,卖弄) 3.a program that helps homeless people 一个帮助无家可归的人的组织 4.hundreds of... 成百上千 5.return sth. to sb.=return sb. sth. return to sp. 把某东西还给某人/返回某地 6.live/have a normal life 过着正常的生活7.sounds great 听起来棒极了8.manage to do sth. /manger 设法成功做某事 /管理者 (n.) 9once曾经,一旦,一次 10.people in need/trouble 需要帮助的人/处在困境中的人 11.decide 决定decision(名)-make a decision decide to do/ that/ on sth. 12 enough名前形后,adj/adv+enough( to do sth)13.suitable 合适的14. medical treatment/care 医疗 /医护 15.provide sb. with sth. provide sth. for sb. (supply) offer sb. Sth. =offer sth. to sb. (give)offer job opportunities提供工作机会16. Train火车,训练 17.so that目的是,以便于 18.find jobs.找工作

19.feel good about oneself=be confident 自信;自我感觉良好 20. suit一套,一副a suit of 一副/套be suitable/fit for,对···适合的,21.in order to+V/that+句子

22.get in/ out of trouble 陷入/脱离麻烦 have trouble (in) doing sth.做事有麻烦...23.pick up 捡起,搭载24.help sb. out 帮助某人脱离困难25.be/stay/keep away from远离 26.in a good/helpful mood心情愉快 28 for the better向着好的方向变化29 wound n/vt受伤 30 a member of··· 中的一员31 leave n/v 假期,休假,离开leave-left-left, leave (sw) for sw 离开某地去某地,/ask for leave请假,/leave sth sw. 把某东西忘到某地32scertary秘书,/ in secret秘密的33 an excellent engineer一个优秀的工程师 1.It is about a program that helps homeless people

2.since it started,it has helped hundreds of people return to work and live a normal life. 3.Once they find people in need,they decide on suitable ways to offer them help 4.the program also provides them with job training so that they can find jobs again. 5.I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves. 6 The world has changed for the better.

7 our government provides them with tents and medical treatment immediately. 8 They decide on many different ways to help the homeless. 9 Some volunteers drove to pick up the people in need.

Unit 1 Topic 3 Section C

1.homeless(adj)homelessness(n) 无家可归 2.one of+adj词最高级+n复 谓动用单数,最···之一3.while (对比,与··同时)/for a while 一会儿/once in a while(偶然,时而不时的) 4.all over/around/throughout the world 全世界 5.value(v,珍惜,重视) be of value=valuable很有价值6.for a short period短时期 7..from…to从...到... 8. move to sp.搬到... moving(令人感动的)/moved(感动的) 9.be able to 与can的区别就是能用于现在/过去时态can-could,be able to 可以适用于各种时态 10.in/on the street在

街上11.cause/reason/ excuse 原因,理由,借口 12.keep a family/ raise children养家/孩子 13.earn/make monkey挣钱14.have a problem with drugs/ take drugs有吸毒问题15..have a mental illness 有精神疾病16..on purpose故意 17.whatever 无论什么,不管什么18.effect /effort have an (important) effect/influence on...对 ...有影响(动词) affect sth, make an effort to do sth 努力做某事19.steal-stole-stolen 偷20give support to sb /give a support / support sb in (doing)sth .给某人帮助/.给予支持/ 支持某人做某事21.need to do sth,(实意动词)need情态动词没有时态和人称变化,need实意动词有人称和单复数变化22..think of/conside/regard...as..把·认作/视为 23.according to.按照24.child labor童工 25.happen to do sth/ happen(偶然发生)碰巧做某事happen(偶然发生)26 break out爆发战争 27There will be /there bis/are going to be 将会有

1 The government in country has worked for many years to support the homeless but more needs to be done. 2 whatever the cause of homeless is,the effects are the same.

3 while most people around the world value their homes,there are many people in every country who are homeless.

4 we must think of the homeless as people,not just as problems.

Topic 3 Section D

1.Project Hope希望工程 2.education program教育项目 3.afford/ pay for an education for sb.

支付某人的教育费用 4. do well in / be good at在某方面做得好 5.build –built-built 修建 build ...up增强体质6..raise/collect money筹钱 7.with the money用这些钱 8.make a contribution to doing sth. 对...做出贡献9..moral development道德发展 10..modern thinking 现代意识 11as a result .结果 12.help one another/help each other 13.the importance of ......的重要性 14. continue=go on doing( 同一件)/to do 15.without one’s help没有某人的帮助16.after doing在做某事之后 /从句-----before 在...之前 17.have difficulty/trouble/fun in doing做某事有困难/麻烦/乐趣

18.around us 在我们周围 19.work,致力于,为·工作/pay for付款, wake up醒来wake-woke-woken, 20.First aid急救, respect sb 尊敬某人 ,at risk在危险中 , at the risk of冒/不顾·之险,risk doing sth 冒险做某事 22send sb to sp把某人送到某地,send for派人去请,/send away开除,撵走,/ send up 发射23consider doing sth考虑做某事24continue to do/doing sth 继续做某事

1 AS a result ,the students in hope schools respect their teachers,aid the poor,and help one another 2 Project Hope is the best-known and most successful education program in china.

3 Project hope has paid for the education of millions of poor students like Minmin since it started. 4 without project,there is a risk that many children would have an unhappy future. 5 without the help of Project Hope.she could n’t continue her studies.


1 come up 走进,出现,发生/芽,come out 出版,开花,结果是, come on 快点,开始,要求2 Italy 意大利Italian 意大利人 3 pay back 偿还4 method/way 方法5 rise-rose-risen Vi (价钱/太阳)上升,(河水)上涨,起床,站立raise-raised-raised Vt raise an army招兵 raise money 募捐 raise one’s hand 招手,raise a family 养家 6 as well as 也/除。。。之外/ 不但,而且,A with/without/along with /as well as B,在句子中,谓语动词由A决定She as well as you is an English teacher. 1 A friend in need is a friend indeed.

2 I come up here on purpose to tell you what happeded to her.

3 The government has already made some plans to control the population.

4 they have plenty of chances to go outside and join in all kinds of outdoor activities. 5 They can also get close to culture by going to cultural parks and visiting museums.

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